PRIMARY Class & Family Scripture Study
“Who Hath Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear”
Interactive Activities For Youth
New Testament LESSON 13
Teaching Primary & Home – Come Follow Me just got easier with our activities for MARCH (week #4)
Theme: “Who Hath Hears to Hear, Let Him Hear”
Matthew 13; Luke 8; 13
• SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS to get them reading.
• Then scroll down to find Lesson-Match Interactive Activities to match the CFM curriculum
See our new SUNDAY SCHOOL interactive activities for this month RIGHT HERE
Lesson 13 Scripture Scholars
Week’s Scripture Scholars BOOKMARKS & scripture POP-UP Includes:
• BOOKMARKS with Come, Follow Me scriptures to read and discuss topics for Primary and Individuals and Families. Also, for Sunday School (teens).
• POP-UP to glue in scripture binding next to scripture you underline.
EXTRA ITEMS (not included) … THERE’S MORE:
• STAMP. Award readers with a STAMP for the week’s scripture reading. See below to find matching STAMPS.
• STAMP KEEPER. These can be placed on the STAMP KEEPER (see below) where you can collect 50 stamps for the year
Click on the weekly lesson posters (below) to find interactive activities:
. . . 3 LESSONS & 18 ACTIVITIES . . .
I need to prepare to learn the teachings of Jesus.
Younger children may not be able to understand all of the symbolism in the parable of the sower, but they can learn the simple gospel truths it teaches. How can you help them better understand how this parable relates to them?
Display different kinds of soil (or pictures of soil) as you summarize Matthew 13:3–8. Give each child a seed, and ask what they could do to help the seeds grow. Explain that our testimonies are like seeds. How do we help our testimony “seeds” grow?
Use this week’s activity page to help the children understand what each type of soil described in Matthew 13 teaches about our hearts. Ask the children which type of heart Jesus wants them to have in order to learn His teachings.
Read Matthew 13:9, 15, and invite the children to point to different parts of their body when they hear them mentioned. How can we use these body parts to learn the teachings of Jesus?
How can you help the children recognize the importance of having a soft and willing heart so that Jesus can teach them?
Assign each child to read about one of four types of soil in Matthew 13:4–8. Invite them to look for and share what happens to the seed in the type of soil they read about. How can our hearts be like the different types of soil? (see Matthew 13:19–23).
Show the children a picture of a garden. What does the soil need to be like in order for plants to grow in it? Show a picture of rocky or thorny soil. Why would plants have a hard time growing in this kind of soil? How can we make sure our hearts are like the good soil so that we can receive the Savior’s teachings?
Invite the children to read Matthew 13:15–17. Draw an eye, ear, and heart on the board. How do we use each of these things to learn the teachings of Jesus?
I need to prepare my heart to receive the teachings of Jesus.
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. MY TESTIMONY OF JESUS weak or strong plant builder. Youth can learn ways to grow a strong testimony by gathering leaves (actions) and placing them under the matching STRONG or WEAK plant. READ MORE
AGES 1-5. I LOVE TO HEAR BOOK OF MORMON STORIES poster or coloring page. Here children can learn how Jesus came to bless the Nephite children and teach them how to be happy. This book is another testament to Jesus Christ. After He was resurrected He went to visit the people in America*. These stories are about ancient prophets who also told about Jesus and traveling to the *Promised land. READ MORE
AGES 4-7. FAITH IN JESUS Growing Testimony seed planter. Children can know that the seeds of testimony can grow in our hearts. It starts as a small seed planted (they can grow in a cup with the label “My faith in Jesus Christ can grow! …). As they watch their plant grow they can also think about how their testimony and their faith in Jesus are growing. READ MORE
AGES 8-11. PLANT & GROW SEEDS OF FAITH flip book. Youth will flip over this flip book where a tree that starts small as a seed grows into a large tree as you flip the pages. We too can start with small acts of faith with works they grow, e.g. a testimony or action creating positive results. Great tool for discussion about goals and promises to self, parents, and God. READ MORE
ALL AGES. I WILL “BEAR” MY TESTIMONY OF TRUTH slideshow doorknob hanger. Children can review testimony topics with this picture display, giving them the confidence to share their feelings about the gospel. This also reminds them of topics to learn and pray about to gain a testimony. READ MORE
SINGING TIME. “TELL ME THE STORIES OF JESUS” song visuals. Youth can feel like Jesus is near as they sing “stories of Jesus I love to hear, Things I would ask him to tell me if he were here.” They imagine gathering around Him to hear His “Words” of “kindness” and see His “love-light” face. Trusting as His disciples did, He “hushed the wind” of the troubled sea. READ MORE
Matthew 13:24–30, 36–43, 47–48
Heavenly Father wants me to choose the right.
Some of Jesus’s parables teach that at the last day, God will separate the wicked from the righteous. How can you use the parables to inspire the children to choose the right?
Let the children act out the parable of the wheat and the tares (see Matthew 13:24–30).
DOWNLOAD “The Parable of the Sower” and “The Wheat and Tares” puzzles (HERE or below)Explain that the wheat represents people who make righteous choices, and the tares (harmful weeds) represent people who do not. One day, Heavenly Father will gather the righteous people to live with Him.
Give the children some examples of right and wrong choices. Ask the children to say “wheat choice” when you describe a right choice and “tare choice” when you describe a wrong choice.
Bring pictures of stalks of wheat, and let the children draw on the pictures some ways they can be righteous.
I can choose the right even when those around me do not.
When you read these verses with the children in mind, what impressions come to you?
Invite the children to draw different scenes from the parable of the wheat and the tares, found in Matthew 13:24–30, and share their drawings with the class. Ask them to label their drawings using the interpretation of the parable found in Matthew 13:36–43. You may need to explain that tares are harmful weeds.
If possible, display a picture of wheat and tares. Explain that the wheat and tares will grow together until the harvest (the end of the world). This teaches us that we live with both good and evil around us, and we must be careful to choose the right. Ask the children to share how they can tell the difference between good and evil.
Heavenly Father wants me to choose the right (even when those around me do not).
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. IF I WERE JESUS, WHAT WOULD I DO? show-and-tell. Youth can find a footstep and read the situation, then tell what Jesus would do in this situation. This helps them follow Jesus, our perfect example. As they follow Him they become more like Him making it easier the next time to make the right choice. READ MORE
AGES 1-5. I CAN BE AN EXAMPLE (Like Jesus) poster or coloring page. Children can learn how Jesus treated others and know they can follow His example. The poster reads “I want to be like Jesus.” “I will follow Him.” The Home Activity has parents let children know when they are being: kind, loving, and choosing the right like Jesus. READ MORE
AGES 4-7. “CHEWS” THE RIGHT gum machine. Children can chew on real gumballs (for the treat) as they learn to follow Jesus. They do this by placing the CTR coin in the machine slot. Then, place the gumballs in or take them out of the machine. Example ACTIONS on gum circles: Obey parents; show love; serve; be a peacemaker; be reverent at church; be kind; speak the truth … READ MORE
AGES 8-11. PARABLE of the Sower and PARABLE of the Wheat & Tares puzzles. Youth can learn from reading these scriptures and putting together the puzzles that: the man sowing seed is Jesus, field is the world, good seed are followers of Jesus, tares are children of the wicked, harvest is the end of the world, reapers are angels, tares bound and burned are evil ones cast into the fire at Judgement. READ MORE
AGES 8-11. MY CTR (Choose The Right) COMMITMENT CALENDAR. Youth can commit to living their lives around the teachings of Jesus Christ with a daily challenge chart. They can post this long chart to remind them of day-to-day goals. For example, on MONDAY have family home evening; TUES. get tithing ready to pay; WED. study the scriptures; THURS. pray about problems; FRI. repent of wrong; SAT. work hard & serve; SUNDAY go to church. READ MORE
SINGING ACTIVITY. “CHOOSE THE RIGHT WAY” song visuals. Learning this song will help youth know “There’s a right way to live and be happy; It is choosing the right ev’ry day.” As they learn the teachings of Jesus they will help them and show them the way. Through prayer, faith, repentance, and obedience they can “truly be happy each day.” READ MORE
My membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a treasure.
How can you use the imagery of treasure and precious pearls to help the children understand the value of belonging to Christ’s Church?
Hide pictures of a treasure chest and a pearl in the room, and let the children find them. Use the pictures to teach about the parables in Matthew 13:44–46. Talk about why someone might give up everything they have for a beautiful pearl or a treasure in a field. Explain that sometimes we give up something good for something even better. Tell the children why the gospel is valuable to you.
Place in a box or chest several objects or pictures that represent “treasures” in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, such as the Savior, temples, or the Book of Mormon. Ask each child to choose an object or picture and talk about why it is a treasure.
- Sing together “The Church of Jesus Christ” (Children’s Songbook, 77)
DOWNLOAD The Church of Jesus Christ song visuals (HERE or below) Then, ask the children to talk about reasons they’re thankful for the Savior’s Church. Testify about the blessings you’ve experienced because of your membership in the Church.
Do the children you teach see their membership in the Church as a valuable treasure? Perhaps discussing the parables in Matthew 13:44–46 can help them share their feelings about the Savior’s Church.
- Invite the children to read Matthew 13:44–46 to themselves and share the parables in their own words with another class member.
- Cut out several circles to represent coins, and put them in a treasure box. Invite the children to pick a coin and draw or write on it one thing they love about being a member of the Church. Ask the children to share what they put on their coin.
- Invite a ward member to share his or her conversion story with the children and tell what he or she sacrificed to join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Or ask the children to talk about sacrifices they make for the Lord and His Church.
My membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a treasure.
POST-AND-PRESENT. RESTORED TRUTHS: Lost-and-Found Gospel Treasures. Help youth learn about the gospel treasures brought to the earth by Jesus. They will learn how the gospel treasures were lost when Jesus died and how they were found again when Joseph Smith restored the true gospel of Jesus Christ to the earth. Match the jewels to see the lost-and-found treasures. READ MORE
AGES 1-5. CHURCH MOUSE MAZE. Children can show moving the mouse through the maze they can be REVERENT AS A MOUSE IN HEAVENLY FATHER’S HOUSE. When they visit the classroom they can raise their hand, listen and learn about Jesus. During singing time, they can learn the words reverently. In the chapel, they can listen to the speakers. In the bathroom, keep it clean. At the fountain, they can take their turn. READ MORE
AGES 4-7. HEAVENLY TREASURE HUNT match game. Children can learn to follow the example of Jesus as they dig deep to find treasure cards: Keep the commandments; love one another; tell the truth; come home on time; do your chores; finish homework, and say “Quickly, I’ll obey.” The promise on the treasure card reads, “If I obey and follow the Savior, I can live with Heavenly Father. This to me is the greatest treasure!” READ MORE
AGES 8-11. MY HEAVENLY TREASURE SACK filled with words of wisdom. Youth can reach in this bag to find jewel scripture treasures of thought to motivate them. Here, there they will find wisdom, e.g., BE HUMBLE: “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” (Proverbs 16:18) Take turns reading and talking about each. Or, read one each night before bed to ponder upon the next day. READ MORE
CHILDREN’S LESSON ACTIVITY. THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS ARE A GREAT TREASURE! bookmark. Children can go on a treasure hunt to find this bookmark that includes some yarn to weave through the punched holes. Bookmarks can be placed in their scriptures to remind them that every time they read the scriptures they are on a treasure hunt to find words of wisdom from Jesus or the prophets.
SONG VISUALS “THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST”. Youth love the idea of belonging to the Church that Jesus Christ created. They know who they are, a child of God, and they “follow him in faith.” They “believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ.” They “honor his name,” “do what is right,” “follow his light,” “his truth they will proclaim.” They will truly be inspired by this song and visuals. Write the words on the cue cards to place on the back.
Matthew 13; Luke 8; 13
MARCH (week 4)
Lesson 13: March 20-26, 2023
“Who Hath Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear”
#ComeFollowMe #NewTestament #Primary #FamilyHomeEvening #SundaySchool #ChurchofJesusChrist #GospelGrabBag #LessonActivities #SongVisuals #WhoHathEarstoHearLetHimHear #TeachingsofJesus #ChoosetheRight