QUOTE MEMORIZATION. OBEDIENCE – HOLY GHOST ColorQuote poster or notecard. “Obedience opens the door to the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. And the spiritual gifts and abilities activated by the power of the Holy Ghost enable us to avoid deception – and to see, to feel, to know, to understand, and to remember things as they really are.” David A. Bednar, Apostle, “Things as They Really Are”
Use for Children & Youth, COME FOLLOW ME Primary and Home, family home evening, Sunday School, Seminary
ColorQuotes make your lessons unforgettably great!
QUOTE: “Obedience opens the door to the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. And the spiritual gifts and abilities activated by the power of the Holy Ghost enable us to avoid deception – and to see, to feel, to know, to understand, and to remember things as they really are.” David A. Bednar, Apostle, “Things as They Really Are”

Make your lessons unforgettable . . . Create a poster, mirror motivator, journal page, and notecard! Great for framing too!
Perfect for framing, sizes 8 x 10, 5 x 7 or 4 x 5 note card.
8 Patterns (Color & Black-and-White)
For lesson: The Holy Ghost, Obeying the Commandments, Ordinances, and Covenants