November 14, 2021
Come, Follow Me
Teach the Doctrine
Led by an adult leader or youth; approximately 25–35 minutes
Prepare Yourself Spiritually
As members of your quorum or class gain testimonies of temple marriage while they are young, they are more likely to desire and prepare for this great blessing. In our Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness, the eternal covenant of marriage is essential to exaltation (see Doctrine and Covenants 131:1–4).
DOWNLOAD this scripture on the Everlasting Covenant of Marriage tent card (HERE or below).
But temple marriage isn’t just about what we will receive in the next life—it can also bring great blessings in this life. For instance, sacred covenants with God can influence the way a husband and wife view their relationship with each other. And a man and a woman who are sealed to each other for time and all eternity have the assurance that because of Jesus Christ, their relationship will continue forever if they are true to their covenants.
How can you help members of your quorum or class feel a greater desire to be sealed in the temple? To prepare yourself to teach about temple marriage, you might explore the article “About a Temple Sealing” at temples. or read “Marriage” in True to the Faith ([2004], 97–101).
Learn Together
To give quorum or class members a chance to share what they have been studying in the scriptures this week, you could write on the board a question like
Quorum or class members could then find the reference to a verse they read in Doctrine and Covenants 129–32 that could help answer the question and write the reference next to the question. (If it helps, you could point them to Doctrine and Covenants 131:1–4; 132:13–19.) Read together some of the references, and discuss what they teach. You can use any of the following activities to help the youth better understand the importance of temple marriage.
• Because eternal marriage is unique to the restored gospel, those you teach may have opportunities to explain it to people who aren’t familiar with it. To help quorum or class members do this, you could invite them to imagine they have a friend who wonders why Latter-day Saints believe that being married in the temple is so important. Ask them to read the scriptures in “Supporting Resources,” “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” (,
SEE THE FAMILY: A PROCLAMATION TO THE WORLD scripture poster/card set to memorize these (below)
or pages 97–98 in True to the Faith. They could look for words, phrases, and ideas they might include in a letter to their friend explaining the importance of temple marriage. They could also watch “Why Is Marriage Sacred to Heavenly Father?” from “Face to Face with Elder and Sister Renlund” ([worldwide youth broadcast, Aug. 5, 2017], You could give them time to write a letter and then invite them to share what they wrote.
See two Proclamation poster/card sets (below) and two that follow.
Seeing an example of a faithful marriage can inspire those you teach to seek for this blessing themselves. One way to do this is to review sections of Elder L. Whitney Clayton’s message “Marriage: Watch and Learn” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2013, 83–85). What do quorum or class members learn from this message about HOW TO BUILD A HAPPY ETERNAL MARRIAGE?
Quorum or class members might also review the ideas in “Achieving a Happy Marriage” in True to the Faith (pages 99–101). They could also watch “How Did Elder and Sister Bednar Meet?” from “Face to Face with Elder and Sister Bednar” ([worldwide youth broadcast, May 12, 2015],
• Ask quorum or class members to think of some things that could keep them from being sealed in the temple. What can we do now to overcome these things? Then they could review “Eternal Marriage” in chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel ([2019], 89) to find principles and practices that lead to happy marriages and families. They could LIST SOME OF THE THINGS TO DO NOW TO PREPARE FOR AN ETERNAL MARRIAGE
What is the role of the Savior in helping us prepare for and achieve an eternal marriage?
Download ColorQuote
“In a world of shifting values, staying true to our standards is critical to spiritual survival. Sincerely committing ourselves to honoring our covenants can strengthen us against temptation. …Act now, so that a thousand years from now, when you look back at this moment, you can say this was a moment that mattered—this was a day of determination.” –Neal A. Maxwell, “Why Not Now?” Ensign, Nov 1974, 13.
Act in Faith
Encourage quorum or class members to ponder and record what they will do to act on the impressions they received today. How does today’s lesson relate to personal goals they have made? If they would like, quorum or class members could share their ideas.
Supporting Resources
Doctrine and Covenants 49:16–17; 131:1–4; 132:13–19 (Eternal marriage is essential in God’s plan)
Gospel Topics, “Marriage,”
“What Is a Temple Wedding Like?” (video), (see video below)
Elder D. Todd Christofferson stated: “To declare the fundamental truths relative to marriage and family is not to overlook or diminish the sacrifices and successes of those for whom the ideal is not a present reality. … Much that is good, much that is essential—even sometimes all that is necessary for now—can be achieved in less than ideal circumstances. … With confidence we testify that the Atonement of Jesus Christ has anticipated and, in the end, will compensate all deprivation and loss for those who turn to Him” (“Why Marriage, Why Family,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2015, 52).
What Is a Temple Wedding Like?
Mormons, or more respectfully, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints get married, or “sealed,” in the temple for time and all eternity, not just “til death do us part.” Your family can be together forever, click here to learn more:
What Is a Temple Endowment?
Mormons, or more respectfully, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints go to temples to worship. The Endowment Ceremony teaches about God’s plan. Visit to learn more about our temples.