YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. SERVICE STATION sack of reminders. Youth are at the service station (at home or at school) and the sack of reminders reads, “Gas up, take off, and help those you ‘car’e about.” They can take this bag home and pull out acts of kindness to serve their family or friends during the week. Talk about the rewards from serving (listed in the objective).
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home lessons, Family Home Evening, Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
Service-station Sack of Reminders
OBJECTIVE: Encourage children to take this bag home and pull out acts of kindness each day/week to remind them to serve others. Talk about the rewards that come from service (e.g. making one feel happy, increasing talents, and the blessings that come from Heavenly Father). Encourage children to add to these deeds by making their own list of service ideas.
TO MAKE Print or copy, color, and cut out the activity. Glue label on a brown paper lunch-size bag. Place word strips in the bag.
THOUGHT TREAT: Life Savers Candy Cars. Give each child a whole pack of Life Savers candies (for the car body), and glue individual Life Savers on sides for the wheel. Remind children that if they speed by others not stopping to serve, they could swerve off the straight and narrow path that leads back to our Heavenly Father.
SCRIPTURE CHALLENGE CARD: Help children Search and Ponder this scripture card by filling in the blanks. PRINT this 5 x 7 scripture card from the pdf included with the above activity. You can punch the two holes on the left and tie a ribbon to attach cards or use two metal rings to connect.
Review enrichment activity 3 in the manual for which the above activity illustrates.