POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. ANCIENT & LATTER-DAY TEMPLES throughout time puppet show. Youth will learn that temples are a sign of Jesus Christ’s true church in His time (when he drove money changers from the temple) to today as He visits His house). Learning about ancient temples built by Moses, King Solomon, Nephi, and Joseph Smith.
Use for COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home lessons, family home evening, Young Women, Young Men, Seminary/Institute, and Activity Days
Ancient & Latter-Day Temples through-time puppet show
Youth can present this activity to children or other youth.
OBJECTIVE: Help children/youth learn that temples are signs of the true church. This activity helps them learn about the ancient temples built by Moses, King Solomon, and Nephi. Children/youth will also learn how Joseph Smith received revelation to build the first temples in modern times. See more activity ideas in the More Learning Activities on “How the Temple is the House of the Lord” below*.

*Print in color or print and color, and cut out the prophet and king puppets, temples, and cue cards. Laminate images and place a wide wooden craft sticks (as shown) on the back of each.
Ask eight children/youth to help you present this, giving each a prophet or king puppet, or temple.
2. Have each child/youth hold the prophet or king puppet in one hand and the temple, on the other hand, holding onto the stick (or holding onto the images without the sticks attached).
3. Show one set (prophet and temple) at a time in this order while reading the cue cards: Moses and the tabernacle, Solomon and the temple, Nephi and the temple, and Joseph Smith and Kirtland Temple.
4. Then mix up children’s/youth’s positions by having them change positions and images.
5. Read the cue cards again, having the other children/youth find and line up the prophet and king puppets with their temples in the chronological order (detailed in #3 and shown above).
TESTIMONY SHARING: Ask youth to share their testimony on the following. Ideas: Why are temple ordinances important? Temple ordinances lead to the greatest blessings available to Heavenly Father’s children. These ordinances prepare us to live forever with Heavenly Father and our families after this life. They bless us with spiritual power and direction during mortality. In the temple, we can also receive essential ordinances on behalf of ancestors who died without having the opportunity to receive these ordinances for themselves.
THOUGHT TREAT: Temple Cookies or Candies (see on cookie cutters). Tell children/youth that Heavenly Father meant (“mint”) for us to go to the temple. Talk about the reasons why. Review D&C 88:119 and talk about how the temple is a house of prayer, fasting, faith, learning, glory, and order. The temples are known as the House of the Lord* where Jesus Christ is known to visit. When we are baptized we are part of His Church and can participate in temple ordinances and blessings as well to prepare us to return to Him someday.
*More Learning Activities on “How the temple is the house of the Lord”:
• Moses and the children of Israel had a tabernacle, a temple they carried with them
(LDS Temples, 52-61; Exodus 33:7; D&C 124:38; “Tabernacle” in the Bible Dictionary).
Solomon built a temple in Jerusalem (1 Kings 6:1; Primary 6, lesson 31).
• The Nephites had temples (2 Nephi 5:16; Jacob 1:17; Mosiah 2:1-7; 3 Nephi 11:1)
• Joseph Smith restored temple blessings in the latter days (D&C 124:39-40; Primary 5,
lesson 25, 26, 35).
Source ST.2002.6
• Jesus Will Come and Reward Us for Good Works – Matthew 16:27 SCRIPTURE POSTER
• I Love to See the Temple (CS, 95) shown
• Families Can Be Together Forever (CS, 188)
• The Lord Gave Me a Temple(CS, 153)
July: “Ordinances and Covenants”
*QUESTIONS “Come, Follow Me” Lesson: Why are temple ordinances important?