parts 1 and 2 YOUTH CAN TEACH HAPPINESS HAPPY New Year Activities to Make Learning Fun " ... a state of happiness which hath no end." Mormon 7:7 HAPPINESS Activities YOUTH CAN TEACH: PARTS 1-2 (this page) • HAPPY Family (#1-5
PARTS 2-3 YOUTH CAN TEACH Teaching Tools C H R I S T M A S Celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ MORE (below) ⇓ Part 3 GIFTS FROM JESUS Part 4 GIFTS TO JESUS GO HERE FOR Part 1
Doctrine and Covenants Come Follow Me BUNDLES & INDEX @ REACH INTO OUR GRAB BAG to find this month's lesson-match activities for JANUARY LESSON LIFESAVER Activities For CHURCH & HOME: Primary, Sunday School, Youth Doctrine, and Family Weekly LESSONS 1-5 YOU'LL
Book of Mormon Come Follow Me BUNDLES & INDEX REACH INTO OUR GRAB BAG to find this month's lesson-match activities for OCTOBER LESSON LIFESAVER Activities For CHURCH & HOME: Primary, Sunday School, Youth Doctrine, and Family Weekly LESSONS 31-34 YOU'LL
SINGING TIME. "AS I SEARCH THE HOLY SCRIPTURES" song visuals. Children/Youth learn that scripture study helps to Gain Wisdom and Knowledge. Through study and prayer, they can learn to Pray and Obey which will make them happy. SONG VISUALS: “As
Ages 8-11 & Teens LESSON ACTIVITY. SERVICE "Feed My Sheep" Origami Game. Youth can open the origami to choose ways to serve Jesus and win points for their team. USE FOR Primary and Sunday School, Come Follow Me, and family
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. BELIEVE Testimony Building Blocks puzzle. Youth can match the word strips to build a belief in Jesus Christ their Savior. They can ponder these things during the SACRAMENT and daily to follow Him. USE FOR Primary and
CONTINUED - OCTOBER - DECEMBER Scripture Scholars and Lesson-Match Activities COME, FOLLOW ME New Testament USE FOR Primary, Sunday School, Individuals & Families Great for Family Home Evening NEW TESTAMENT – PRIMARY Lesson Activities are detailed below. Or, click on the month right
FOR Primary, Sunday School, and HOME LESSON LIFESAVER Activity PARABLES: The Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Prodigal Son (find the lost pictures) Fellowshipping Lesson: Have youth think of those who may be LOST, the youth who may not be
Book of Mormon Come Follow Me BUNDLES & INDEX REACH INTO OUR GRAB BAG to find this month's lesson-match activities for JULY LESSON LIFESAVER Activities For CHURCH & HOME: Primary, Sunday School, Youth Doctrine, and Family Weekly LESSONS 27-30 YOU'LL