YOUTH GOAL PLANNERS – 57+ journal pages to teach the gospel – Luke 2:52 Mental, Physical, Spiritual, Social development to follow Jesus

. . . YOUTH GOAL PLANNERS . . . President Heber J. Grant was fond of this wise saying: “That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do; not that the nature of the thing itself has

MISSION PREPARATION Activity: Mission Statements Match Game – Preparing for My Life’s Mission – Come Follow Me Primary and Home, family home evening

SCRIPTURE ACTIVITY. PREPARING FOR MY LIFE'S MISSION statements match game. Youth match cards as they ponder ways to prepare for the Latter-days. DOING NOW: Receiving baptism; Reading scriptures; Attending Church; Serving others; Working hard; Praying with purpose - DO IN

FOLLOW THE PROPHET: Activity Days – Learning and Living the Gospel – Goal 4, read conference address given by the prophet

Follow the Prophet goal activity match game, doorknob sign
Use For: CHURCH and HOME children and youth activities.   ACTIVITY DAYS Activity Learning and Living the Gospel - Goal 4 Follow the prophet ponder game, doorknob hanger, and guessing game (Part 1 of 2): Read a recent conference address

SERVICE – Patience: LDS Lesson Activity – Something to Sacrifice goal planner – Building the Kingdom/Zion

Something to Sacrifice goal planner - Children & Youth
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. SOMETHING TO SACRIFICE goal planner. Youth who sacrifice their time, talents, and means to build up the kingdom of God upon the earth will find great blessings. See D&C 97:21 (rejoice while the wicked mourn); Verse 28: "I

Work – Time Management: LDS Lesson Activity: Time Tracker Journal – Come, Follow Me: “Why is work an important gospel principle?”

Time Management tracker journal
Use for Youth Goals, Sunday School, Seminary, Youth Doctrinal Classes, family home evening LESSON LIFESAVER Activity Time Tracker journal Encourage youth to avoid crisis living by managing their time wisely. Advise them to manage their time and “not run faster

ETERNAL GOALS – Problem Solving – Activity: Be Righteous cards – Come Follow Me – “How can I find solutions to my challenges and problems?”

$1.75 CHOICES: Lesson LIfesaver Activity "Bee" Righteous Challenge Cards,, LDS printables
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. WHAT I WANT TO "BEE" ETERNALLY challenge cards. Youth learn these four ways to prepare for eternal life, life with Heavenly Father, and Jesus which is God's plan of salvation. BEE Cards: • I want to BEE

Problem Solving – Changes: LDS Lesson Activity – It’s Time for a Change – Come Unto Christ, “How can I find solutions to my challenges and problems?”

Problem Solving – Changes: LDS Lesson Activity – It’s Time for a Change – Come Unto Christ, “How can I find solutions to my challenges and problems?”
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE! goals in diaper envelope. Tell youth when you present this that they are NOW OLD ENOUGH TO ACHIEVE GOALS. They don't need to be "babied" around or be a cry "baby" when

PLAN OF SALVATION Lesson Activity – “What is the purpose of life?” My Future Focus Planner

YOUTH goal planner - FUTURE FOCUS
YOUTH TOAL PLANNER. MY FUTURE FOCUS planner. Tell youth that they can focus on a positive future by making decisions about critical issues ahead of time. They can write in the right column what they are willing to give up