SECOND COMING Post-and-Present Activity: Jesus Promised to Return (Second Coming Concentration) – For Come Follow Me Primary and Home, Family Home Evening, Seminary, Sunday School

POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY.  JESUS PROMISED TO RETURN Second Coming Concentration. Youth can ponder their actions now to prepare for when the Savior will return, asking, "Am I ready?" Here they can match up the poster card with the image, turning over

FOLLOW JESUS Activity: Jesus Is the Good Shepherd – I am His Sheep – John 10:4 and John 10:11 Bite-size Memorize tent-card

Good Shepherd - Follow Jesus stand-up card & flashcards
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. JESUS IS THE GOOD SHEPHERD tent-card and match game - John 10:4. Youth can spotlight events in Jesus Christ's life with the focus on #8 “Jesus is Our Shepherd.” Read all of John 10 to learn that Jesus loves

PROPHETS TELL OF JESUS – Timeline from Jesus’s Birth to Second Coming, Post-and-Present Activity for Sharing Time or Family Home Evening

$Timeline from Jesus’s Birth to Second Coming Prophets Tell of Jesus Christ
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. TIMELINE FROM JESUS'S BIRTH TO SECOND COMING prophecies match. Youth can imagine themselves in a time machine traveling back and forward to learn of the prophet's words telling of Jesus. His: Birth, Ministry, Death and Atonement, Resurrection, Visit

Jesus Christ’s Second Coming: Scripture Poster, Matthew 16:27, LDS Lesson Activity for: Primary, Youth, and Family Home Evening

$2.00 SCRIPTURE POSTERS/CARDS for COME FOLLOW ME – Primary and Home (family home evening), Young Women, Seminary, LDS printables
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Young Women, Primary and Home, Family Home Evening, Seminary, Sunday School, Bible Study Scripture Poster – Matthew 16:27 Jesus Will Come and Reward Us for Good Works 8 pages (color/black-and-white visuals: 3 sizes for poster) Objective: Help