SINGING TIME. "I PRAY IN FAITH" song visuals. Youth can learn this song about: HOW we pray: "kneel to pray" "pray in faith" WHEN to pray: "ev'ry day." WHOM do we pray to: "Heav'nly Father." WHAT does God do? "He
SINGING TIME. "TELL ME THE STORIES OF JESUS" song visuals. Youth can feel like Jesus is near as they sing "stories of Jesus I love to hear, Things I would ask him to tell me if he were here." They imagine
SINGING TIME. "I BELIEVE IN CHRIST" song visuals. Children and youth can share why they believe in Jesus Christ and share scriptures about Jesus. Then sing, e.g., "I believe in Christ; he is my king! ... He is God's Son
SONG VISUALS: "A HAPPY FAMILY" (Children's Songbook, p. 198) DOWNLOAD INCLUDES: . 27 visuals (color/black-and-white/cue cards) pdf . Fun Ways to Use Song Visuals pdf USE SONG VISUALS FOR ANY LANGUAGE - Just add the words on the cue cards
SONG VISUALS: “Faith” (Children's Songbook, p. 96-97) DOWNLOAD INCLUDES: . 17 visuals (color/black-and-white/cue cards) pdf . Fun Ways to Use Song Visuals pdf USE SONG VISUALS FOR ANY LANGUAGE - Just add the words on the cue cards provided. LYRICS
SINGING ACTIVITY. "CHOOSE THE RIGHT WAY" song visuals. Learning this song will help youth know "There's a right way to live and be happy; It is choosing the right ev'ry day." As they learn the teachings of Jesus they will help
SINGING TIME. "I'M TRYING TO BE LIKE JESUS" song visuals. Youth find it easy to follow Jesus when they memorize these words telling us to listen to the Holy Ghost guide us to make the right choices and to love others
SONG VISUALS: "As A Child of God" (The Friend, Jan. 2012) DOWNLOAD INCLUDES: . 17 visuals (color/black-and-white/cue cards) pdf . Fun Ways to Use Song Visuals pdf USE SONG VISUALS FOR ANY LANGUAGE - Just add the words on the
SONG VISUALS: “When Jesus Christ Was Baptized” (Children's Songbook, 102) DOWNLOAD INCLUDES: . 17 visuals (color/black-and-white/cue cards) pdf . Fun Ways to Use Song Visuals pdf USE SONG VISUALS FOR ANY LANGUAGE - Just add the words on the cue
SINGING TIME. "SCRIPTURE POWER" song visuals. Youth can learn to "be like the Savior" as they read "His instructions" and about "following His plan" in the scriptures. They can gain a special "power His word will give" them as they read.