AGES 1-5, 4-7 ACTIVITY. EASTER: JESUS WILL LIVE AGAIN 3-D flower garden. Children learn from this that Jesus loves them, died for them, and they will live again like Jesus. Place the folded flowers on the stems as you talk
CHILDREN'S LESSON ACTIVITY. I BELONG TO THE CHURCH of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints poster or coloring page. Children want to belong to the Church that has the fullness of the gospel. The HOME ACTIVITY instructs parents: "Let's talk about
AGES 1-5 or 4-7 ACTIVITY. I BELONG TO THE CHURCH name badge. Children can proudly wear this name badge with their name on it to show those they love that they belong to Jesus Christ's Church. They will know that
LESSON ACTIVITY. THE FIRST VISION movable scene. While Joseph Smith was kneeling in the Sacred Grove, praying to know which church he should join, he saw the Father and the Son appear. He was told to join none of the churches.
Lesson 6 Jesus Christ's Church Has Been Restored CTR-B, Ages 4-7 Use For: Primary Lesson, Family Home Evening, Sharing Time TO FIND LESSON: Present Lesson 6 - Primary 3 Manual - CTR-B: Jesus Christ’s Church Has Been Restored. OBJECTIVE: The lesson
AGES 4-8 ACTIVITY. THE CHURCH THEN-AND-NOW sticker poster. Children can compare the organization of Jesus Christ's Church THEN when He organized His Church and NOW in the latter-days when His Prophet and Apostles direct the Church. For example, THEN Jesus
MEMORIZE SCRIPTURE. FIRST VISION testimony bookmark. This will help strengthen the testimony of Joseph Smith as a boy who asked in prayer in the Sacred Grove to know which church of the day was true. He did see God the