YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. HE HAS RISEN! write a story. Youth can learn from the images and scriptures about the resurrection, then write in their own words the stories. Both the Bible and The Book of Mormon testify of Jesus and
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. RESURRECTION MIRACLES Easter match game. Jesus volunteered to be our Savior, to die for us so that everyone will live again. Learn resurrection miracle stories by matching body-part cards. For example, "Marsha was blind and wanted to read
Use for COME FOLLOW ME Primary, Sunday School, family scripture study - FOR CHURCH & HOME SCRIPTURE Poster(s) & Card Doctrine and Covenants 43:34 - Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World 8 pages (color/black-and-white visuals: 3 sizes for
SCRIPTURE MEMORIZATION. TESTIMONY THAT JESUS LIVES D&C 76:22 scripture poster/card set. Youth can learn from this that many testimonies are give that Jesus lives, but their testimony is important that they also have a firm testimony of Jesus Christ. With
SINGING TIME. "DID JESUS REALLY LIVE AGAIN?" song visuals. Youth should know there were prophets of old who told of this moment when Jesus would live again and make it possible for all to live again. Write the words on
CHILDREN'S LESSON ACTIVITY. JESUS LOVES ME - Count the Ways (birth to resurrection) mini-book. Book Reads: Jesus came to earth to show the way. – Jesus showed me how to be baptized. – Jesus taught me how to pray. –
AGES 1-5 ACTIVITY. JESUS LIVES AGAIN! poster or coloring page. Bear your testimony of Jesus and His power to bring life to the earth. Say that we can trust and believe in Him. Read John 11:25: “Jesus said . .
AGES 4-7 LESSON ACTIVITY. I CAN LIVE FOREVER! resurrection garden tomb slideshow. Before we came to earth Jesus volunteered to be our Savior, to come to earth and die for us and be resurrected so we could also live forever. The
AGES 4-7. ALL EYES WILL SEE AGAIN resurrection glasses - Easter. Children can put on these "All Eyes Will See Again!" glasses to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This reminder helps them see that because of Jesus they can
CHILDREN'S LESSON ACTIVITY. EASTER JESUS HAS RISEN! Resurrection match game. Children will learn about the story of why we will be resurrected after we die because of Jesus. With this matching game, they will learn of Jesus, a Tomb, a