$1.75 November Lesson 7 - Come Follow Me "How can I find solutions to my challenges and problems?" ACTIVITY: Temptation Traps and Escapes Brainstorm, Young Women handouts, GospelGrabBag.com

Description of Lesson Activity: Brainstorm with youth to realize how the Atonement can help them if they know the traps and escape routes. Stack the set of cards facedown and divide youth into groups of three or four. As they draw two or more Temptation Trap cards, they can discuss with their group and write on the card the Escape Route cards (how they can overcome or combat that temptation). Report discussion and Escape Route to the class.

November Lesson 7 – Come Follow Me “How can I find solutions to my challenges and problems?” ACTIVITY: Temptation Traps and Escapes Brainstorm

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