Come, Follow Me TOPIC 5 “How can I help my less-active friends return to the Church?”
$4.00 BUNDLE (save 40%) or download individually (below)
– Includes:
1) Example Drama or Draw
2) Light of the Gospel candle gift box
3) Does He Know My Standards? building blocks puzzle
4) Testimony Lost-and-Found game
Individual downloads of this BUNDLE are available below.
TOPIC 5 IDEAS for “How can I help my less-active friends return to the Church?”
As part of our commitment to “stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places” (Mosiah 18:9), we reach out to Latter-day Saint friends and neighbors who are not coming to church. We can help them by making sure they feel our genuine love and concern by sharing our testimonies through our words and actions and by including them in our activities.
– Prepare Yourself Spiritually
• What do you do to reach out to less-active members you know?
• What experiences can you share with the young women?
• How do the young women treat members of their class who are less active?
• What are some ways they could reach out to these young women?
Come, Follow Me TOPIC 6 “What is Zion?”
$4.00 BUNDLE (save 40%) or download individually (below)
– Includes:
1) Jewels in My Crown planner
2) Build the Kingdom: Time, Talents, Means tent-card
3) Something to Sacrifice goal planner
4) Teaching Talents and Tools journal
Individual downloads of this BUNDLE are available below.
TOPIC 6 IDEAS for “What is Zion?”
The Lord commands us to “seek to bring forth and establish the cause of Zion” (D&C 6:6). Zion refers to the Lord’s people who are of one heart and one mind and dwell together in righteousness. We can establish Zion by building unity and spiritual strength in our homes, wards or branches, and communities.
– Prepare Yourself Spiritually
• How do you strive to live the principles of Zion in your life and family?
• When have you felt a spirit of unity in a ward or in your family?
• Are the young women unified as a sisterhood?
• What can they do to establish Zion? What obstacles might they face?
Come, Follow Me TOPIC 7 “How can I participate in the hastening of the Lord’s work?”
$4.00 BUNDLE (save 40%) or download individually (below)
– Includes:
1) Missionary Prep mirror motivators
2) Extended Family – Closeness Checklist and postcard
3) My Book of Mormon Testimony scriptures underlining
4) Missionary Support crossword puzzle
Individual downloads of this BUNDLE are available below.

TOPIC 7 IDEAS for “How can I participate in the hastening of the Lord’s work?”
We live in the last days when the Lord is fulfilling His promise: “Behold, I will hasten my work in its time” (D&C 88:73). Young women play an important role in this work. We can participate by inviting all to come unto Christ through sharing the gospel, giving Christlike service, strengthening new members, rescuing the less active, and providing saving ordinances for the dead.
– Prepare Yourself Spiritually
• What evidence have you seen that the Lord is hastening His work in our day?
• What experiences could you share that might inspire the young women to be active participants in this work?
• What talents and gifts do you notice in the young women that could make them particularly effective in advancing the Lord’s work?
• What are they already doing to participate in the work?