All of our activities and song visuals are TIME-TESTED in our 160 books and CD-ROMS published by Covenant Communications & Deseret Book, selling 1.5 million. Now our 3,000 activities and 150 song visuals are ONLY AVAILABLE digitally on our websites:,, and ETSY/shop/GospelGrabBag.
See the About Us – in Customer Care.
Introducing the Gospel Grab Bag Creators:
Mary H. Ross, Author and
Jennette Guymon-King, Illustrator
25 Years as a Team to Create the Bestselling Series of LDS Activities and Song Visuals and Activities
5 years on Deseret Book’s Top Ten
The receiver of Trumpet Award for selling over 1.25 million products
THANK YOU PARENTS, TEACHERS & LEADERS: Mary H. Ross and Jennette Guymon-King would like to thank their customers for supporting their efforts to make gospel learning fun. Because of you, over 1.25 million books and CD-ROMs have been sold through Covenant Communications (owned by Deseret Book Company, Inc.).
They are the Author and Illustrator of the Sunday Savers, formerly Primary Partners series of books and CD-ROMs (something for every lesson).
They are also creators of the bestselling Young Women Fun-tastic! series – which is all digital now to download here. See “Come, Follow Me” series ⇒).
In addition, they have created over 160 books and CDs for family home evening, sharing time activities and scripture memorization posters; Singing Time song visuals and activities; Faith in God Activity Days; and even games!
Click to view their latest (on the menu above) or the COME FOLLOW ME lesson-match activities for every lesson on the top menu bar. There is also a library of activities to download immediately (click on the A-Z Lesson INDEX on the right).
“In 1986 we published our first books through Covenant. Since then, over 160 books and 101 CD-ROMs have been published.
After 20 years the “Primary Partners” and “Sunday Savers” curriculum-match activity books and CD-ROMs (now digital) are right here to DOWNLOAD instantly on GospelGrabBag.
EACH YEAR now you can follow the COME FOLLOW ME PROGRAM (see menu above) to find activities for each week’s lesson for all ages.
Our goal is not to replace the lesson content in any way, but to add to and enhance the lesson with visuals that will help them remember what they have learned.
OUR BOOKS AND CD-ROMS are no longer in print (as we are taking all activities digitally).
Download individual activities from our previous 160 books (sample shown). Here you can find activities instantly and click on the link for the lesson from the Church website.
We have tried to make the activities affordable. You will only need to download quantity 1 as you can print what you need for your family or class. Anything over a group of 30 you will need to download more.
CONTACT US – Visit this Page ⇒
View our new products by signing up for our newsletter (at the bottom of this page).
Mary H. Ross is the mother of Jennifer Ross, and wife of Paul Ross. They live in Lehi, Utah. Mary loves cooking, creating quotes, writing, working out, and visiting the elderly.
Jennette Guymon-King is the mother of 4 children and wife to a darling husband. They live in Bluffdale, Utah. Jennette studied graphic arts and illustration at UVU and University of Utah. She served a mission in Japan. She enjoys reading, cooking, soap making, gardening, spending time with her children, and freelance illustrating (over 3,000 activities for
It is our hope that you enjoy the convenience of having our works on this website as it is difficult to find all of our lesson activities in one place.
ENJOY! Contact us if you have any problems or concerns or ideas for future products. Contact:, or 801-694-6302 (texting and emailing is best; then we know who you are and we can get back to you).
Mary, I had no idea that you had so much stuff!!!! Once again, shock and awe of all the wonderful ideas that you have come up with over the years. Now I know why you always have a pen in hand and are taking notes, everywhere you are. Keep those wonderful ideas coming and know that you are blessing the lives of others through this wonderful service! Love, Katie
Thank you Katie Gauger for your interest and support. We love your visiting teaching handouts (see Free Visiting Teaching Handouts on this blog). You can find Katie’s ideas and free handouts for on her two blogs: and
Hi talented ladies! Any news when these fantastic downloads will be available? I think I’d be your biggest customer! 🙂
I have been so greatful to have these available! I have been able to teach songs, as well as the JOY of singing in both Primary and at home. I would recommend them to anyone.
I found a picture of yours that is a carrot, banana, orange , fish and turnip with sayings on them it was for word of wisdom nutrition I would really like to buy that for a activity day. is there anyway I could buy that i can’t find it on your page
thanks janet
This will be available soon. This is the link:
I absolutely love your website and ALL that it has to offer! Amazing activities! Thanks for all your hard work!
Darcee Pergler
Oh thank you soooo much!!!! I have admired and used your work for the past 20 years I have been in Primary. You have helped and continue to help countless Saints around the world. Your talents are building the Kingdom. Please know your efforts are appreciated and glad you went digital!
DARCEE: Thank so much for your support over the years.
“Mary and Jennette have created amazing and helpful resources to help us encourage Gospel learning with our kids. Their ideas are fun, unique, help us follow the Prophet, and help our kids to get more excited about doing things to strengthen their testimonies, even if they don’t realize it because they are just doing something fun. Thank you for sharing your talents and for making things to help us as moms teach our kids the Gospel.” – Laura Smith
Laura: Thank you for your comments and for purchasing our PERSONAL PROGRESS planner/journal forms. These are new and we will be matching these up with every Come Follow Me lesson so Young Women leaders can handout the planners/journals as part of their lessons. Enjoy! Don’t forget to download the quilt coming up with the values on each quilt-block that girls can earn.
What a pleasant surprise to recognize you as the one I always depended on years ago (gosh, that makes us sound too old) for my Primary and YW callings. The first thing I would do when called, was make a trip to Deseret Book and gather every resource with your name on it. Why? Because they were (and still are) the best on the market!!! Thanks again. – Susan Campbell
Thanks Susan:
We have been around awhile, only because of faithful fans like you.
This is a needle in a haystack of a question … I bought a CD-Rom called “Little Sunday Savers, Nursery Rhymes (I believe??)”. I bought it from Deseret Bookstore back in 2018ish. It had nursery rhymes digital images you could print out and use during nursery singing time. (Songs like, “The Ants Go Marching,” “Five Speckled Frogs,” “Five Little Ducks,” etc.) It also had musical notes that you could print out as well.
It was produced by your company. I’m looking for a way to purchase that CD-Rom, or the digital downloads of what was on that. If you could help me, or point me in the right direction, I would be greatly appreciated.
THAT IS OUR BOOK “Super Little Singers.” You said Little Sunday Savers (SUNDAY SAVERS is our series of other books; so you may have been confused there).
We are wanting to get it going right away. We can get it going just for you. Thanks for asking. Is there a preference which songs (with visuals) first?
HERE IS THE OUTLINE to choose from:
Activity 1 A Happy Family
Activity 2 Ants Go Marching
Activity 3 Animal Do As I’m Doing
Activity 4 Eensy Weensy Spider
Activity 5 Five Little Ducks
Activity 6 Five Little Speckled Frogs
Activity 7 Fun To Do Cards
Activity 8 I Am a Child of God
Activity 9 I Am Like a Star
Activity 10 Jesus Loved the Little Children
Activity 11 Jesus Said Love Everyone
Activity 12 Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam (Jennette just illustrated this in a different format; be out soon)
Activity 13 Heavenly Father Loves Me
Activity 14 Old MacDonald Had a Farm
Activity 15 Quickly I’ll Obey
Activity 16 Smiles
Activity 17 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Activity 18 Wheels on the Bus
Activity 19 When We’re Helping
PLUS MORE e.g. action songs
THOSE ON already
I Sing like a Bird
Super Singer Awards
Go Fishing Choose a Song
Happy Birthday Medallions
Stop and Go