Choices – Consequences: LESSON LIFESAVERS LDS Lesson Activity: Choosing a Consequence Spin-the-Bottle Game, Come Follow Me “Why do the choices I make matter?”

YOUTH ACTIVITY. With this Choosing a Consequence spin-the-bottle game youth can learn that each choice has a consequence: Immediate, Future, or Eternal. USE FOR: Come Follow Me & CHURCH & HOME LESSON LIFESAVERS Activity Choosing a Consequence spin-the-bottle OBJECTIVE: Talk

Testimony of Jesus Christ: LDS Lesson Activity: Testimony Journal – Family Home Evening, teach about faith in Jesus Christ, share testimony

$1.50 Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Come Follow Me - Primary and Home ( family home evening)
YOUTH ACTIVITY. MY TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHRIST journal or Book of Mormon page. Encourage youth to write their testimony to place in their own scriptures or in an investigator's scriptures. Express how the gospel has blessed you and that The

BOOK OF MORMON: LDS Lesson Ideas – “Why do we need the Book of Mormon” Abinadi, faith in Jesus Christ

BOOK OF MORMON: LDS Lesson Ideas – “Why do we need the Book of Mormon” Abinadi, faith in Jesus Christ
Use for Family Home Evening, Primary Sharing Time, Young Women or Youth, Activity Days* ACTIVITY: Book of Mormon Story Abinadi Warns the Wicked King Noah (Puppet Show) Objective: Tell this story from the Book of Mormon that teaches about faith in

FOLLOW THE PROPHET: LDS Lesson Ideas – Prophet Ponder doorknob hanger, learn from a conference address ways to follow the prophet

Prophet Ponder (Doorknob Hanger)
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. I WILL FOLLOW THE PROPHET ponder doorknob hanger. Youth can write ways they will follow the prophet on this door sign. They can listen to the prophet in general conferences and read His words in Church magazines.