REVELATION – MAY Come Follow Me Lesson 2 “How do I receive personal revelation?” Lesson Lifesaver activities and handouts for Young Women

MAY Come Follow Me LESSON #2 How do I receive personal revelation? $4.00 BUNDLE (save 40%) or download individually – Includes: 1) ColorQuote poster/mirror motivator, journal page, and notecard ⇒ MORE ("But as we honor our covenants and keep the commandments, as we

Word of Wisdom – My Body is a Temple: LESSON LIFESAVERS Activity: Drug Free Me! word find puzzle, Come Follow Me

LESSON LIFESAVER Activity Drug-Free Me! word find puzzle
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. DRUG-FREE ME! word finds puzzle.  Resisting drugs can be a challenge. Black out the Xs. Cross out the drugs. Identify the reasons for drug involvement*. DRUGS: marijuana, tobacco, caffeine, LSD, cocaine, crack, alcohol, heroin, barbiturates, amphetamines, and