Prepare Yourself Spiritually
• How has your life been blessed by the truths restored through Joseph Smith? How did you gain your testimony of Joseph Smith? How can you encourage the young women to gain testimonies of their own?

Come Follow Me TOPIC 4:
What was Joseph Smith’s role in the Restoration?
$4.00 BUNDLE (save 40%) or download individually – Includes:
1) Joseph Smith History 1:17 First Vision Scripture Posters & Cards
2) Praise to the Man – Joseph Smith bookmark (John Taylor D&C 135:3)
3) Joseph Smith Restored the Gospel – D&C 35:17 Scripture Posters & Cards
4)Testimony Seeds packet “I can know that Joseph Smith is a prophet.”
Young Women LESSON OBJECTIVE & REFERENCES – After centuries of apostasy, the Lord restored His Church and the fulness of the gospel through the Prophet Joseph Smith. This Restoration began with Joseph’s First Vision, in which Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared. Through the Prophet Joseph, the Lord brought forth the Book of Mormon and other scriptures, restored priesthood authority, and established His Church.
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TOPIC 4 What was Joseph Smith’s role in the Restoration?
These 5 EXTRA-FUN ACTIVITIES are designed by Young Women leaders.
1) Testimony Trail Cowgirl / Cowboy Party
2) Men of the Martyrdom
3. Praise the Man Memorization
4) Tell Me the Stories of Joseph
5) Star Testimony
• Testimony Match Game
• Sharing-Time Testimony Meeting
• Testimony Tracker
Come Follow Me TOPIC 5:
Why is the First Vision important?
$4.00 BUNDLE (save 35%) or download individually – Includes:
1) First Vision – Joseph Smith’s Answered Prayer stand-up story visuals
2) Articles of Faith 1:1 Scripture Posters & Cards – We believe in the Godhead
3) Joseph Smith History 1:17 First Vision Scripture Posters & Cards
Young Women LESSON OBJECTIVE & REFERENCES – In the spring of 1820, God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith. This vision, which marked the beginning of the Restoration of the gospel, is the most important event since the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith’s humble prayer led to the restoration of gospel truths, priesthood authority, and saving ordinances. “That one revelation answers all the [questions] regarding God and his divine personality. … His interest in humanity through authority delegated to man is apparent. The future of the work is assured. These and other glorious truths are clarified by that glorious first vision” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: David O. McKay [2003], 93).
“When we pray, we should not presume to give counsel but should inquire of the Lord and hearken to His counsel. Joseph Smith’s first prayer ushered in the Restoration of the gospel.” Talk: Sweet Power of Prayer – Russell M. Nelson, Apostle/2018 Prophet
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