Personal Progress GOOD WORKS Value Experience Goal Planners/Journals and VALUE NIGHT Motivational Activities
“Each member can be an example of the believers. . . . You can have “a pure heart and clean hands”; you can have “the image of God engraven upon your [countenance]” (Alma 5:19). Your good works will be evident to others (Matt. 5:16; Alma 7:24). The light of the Lord can beam from your eyes.(D&C 88:11) – Russell M. Nelson, “Be Thou an Example of the Believers” Oct. 2010
This GOOD WORKS value BUNDLE is $8.00 (a 50% discount). KIT Includes: 8 Value Experience goals (including the GOOD WORKS Project planner) PLUS the Values Night invitation and certificate
All activities can be downloaded separately (below).
GOOD WORKS Value Night activity plans detailed below.
READY TO COLOR black-and-white planners can get youth started; then once achieved reward them with a colored version to fill and place in their journal/scrapbook.
SOON WE WILL HAVE ALL 8 VALUES (check for links below) ⇓
Notes of Encouragement for Young Women –
When a young woman does not attend or she needs encouragement of any kind, a note is always.
More Learning Activities:
INVITING GIRLS TO YOUNG WOMEN: WATCH VIDEO on giving someone a “Heart Attack” (pasting hearts on doors) and having girls invite others to activities. This is about Activity Days girls, however the ideas are great for young women as well. ClickHERE (or watch video below).
MORE NOTECARDS TO ENCOURAGE YOUTH: See ColorQuote notecards beginning in MAY Come Follow Me section. Look for these every month to match the lesson topic. ColorQuote notecards can be sent with a special “we missed you” message from Young Women leaders or class presidents to encourage them to MISSING YOUTH to attend. SAMPLE May Lesson 4 (shown below/right).