USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home lessons, Family Home Evening, Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
“I Can Be a Friend Like Jesus”
OBJECTIVE: Help children learn that Jesus said to love everyone. He wants us to be a friend to others. Talk about how Jesus gathered the children around to listen to the children and to teach them. He blessed them and healed them.
1. Copy hearts that follow for each child. Punch holes in hearts and tie together with string, tying a knot between each heart to keep apart (optional).
2. Necklace shows children how to be a friend like Jesus was a friend to others. Help them memorize: “I can ‘bee’ a friend.”

THOUGHT TREAT: Heart-shaped cookies or candies. Or, a candy necklace where they can tell how they can love a friend with each candy eaten (or each bite of the cookie taken).
SINGING for Sunbeam Lesson 6 – Heavenly Father and Jesus Love Me: Sing “Jesus Loved the Little Children” and “My Heavenly Father Loves Me” (Children’s Songbook, 59, 228).