AGES 4-7 LESSON ACTIVITY.  THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS ARE A GREAT TREASURE! sewing-card bookmark. Children can go on a treasure hunt to find this bookmark that includes some yarn to weave through the punched holes. Bookmarks can be placed in their scriptures to remind them that every time they read the scriptures they are on a treasure hunt to find words of wisdom from Jesus or the prophets.

The Teachings of jesus are a great Treasure! bookmark

Use for Ages 4-7 Primary and COME FOLLOW ME Church-and-Home lessons


The teachings of Jesus are a great treasure! bookmark

The lesson helps children strengthen each child’s desire to learn more about the teachings of Jesus Christ

See LESSON IDEAS “The Teachings of Jesus Christ Are a Great Treasure” (HERE and below).

The Teachings of Jesus are a great treasure! bookmark
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ACTIVITY: Scripture Bookmark
As part of the lesson, you could hide the bookmarks for children to find at the first of the lesson. You could place them around the room randomly or in a treasure box like a jewelry box for them to find.

Tell children they can place this bookmark in their scriptures to remind them that the teachings of Jesus are a great treasure! Each time they read the scriptures it’s like going on a treasure hunt.

Read with them D&C 89:19 which tells us that we will find “great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures,” many of which are in the scriptures. Help children look up and read John 13:17 (happy are they if they know the scriptures). Scripture references could be written on the back of the bookmark: The teachings of Jesus Christ are a treasure to us because they show us how to be happy by following Heavenly Father and Jesus.

1. Using cardstock, print, color, and cut out the bookmark for each child.

2. Punch holes around the border. Weave yarn through holes and tie a bow at the top.

Thought Treats for lesson activitiesTHOUGHT TREAT: 4 Standard Works Snacks. Select four wafer-type cookies or rectangular-shaped crackers (to look like books of scriptures). As you eat each cookie or cracker, name the standard works: Bible, Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, and Doctrine and Covenants.

. . . LESSON IDEAS . . .

The teachings of Jesus are a great treasure! scripture bookmark

The above activity illustrates the TREASURE HUNT activity in the Lesson*

Treasure hunt activity

Explain that there is a treasure each of us can have that is greater than (name some of the things the children named as their treasures). This treasure is worth more than any item we can own. This treasure cannot be bought with money, and it cannot break or be stolen. This treasure is so precious that many people are willing to give up everything they own to have it. Some are even willing to give up their lives for it.

Tell the children that to find out what this great treasure is, they are going on a treasure hunt. Explain that you have hidden a treasure in the room. Ask the children to search quietly for the treasure.

When the children have found the box or container, have a child open it and read the message aloud. Then have the children repeat the words of the message with you. (If you hid the picture of Jesus or the book of scripture, explain that this item represents the teachings of Jesus Christ. Tell the children that the teachings of Jesus Christ are a great treasure to us.)

  • Why are the teachings of Jesus Christ a great treasure to us?

Emphasize that the teachings of Jesus Christ are a treasure to us because they show us how to be happy by following Heavenly Father and Jesus.

CTR Testimony Treasures Box


Lost-and-Found Gospel Treasures post-and-present activity

My Heavenly Treasure sack (Filled with Words of Wisdom)

The Teachings of jesus are a great Treasure! bookmark

The Teachings of Jesus Christ Are a Great Treasure, Sunday School/Primary Lesson Helps, Primary 2 CTR-A, Lesson 20

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