AGES 4-7 PRAYER ANSWERS Yes and No wristbands. Wristbands say “Heavenly Father will answer my prayers YES Because it’s ok!” “Heavenly Father will answer my prayers NO Because it’s best for me.” Heavenly Father knows us and knows what is best? We can learn of His ways as we pray. Then, we can choose for ourselves (part of His plan).
For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME
PRAYER ANSWERS “Yes” and “No” wristbands
OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps children understand that Heavenly Father always hears our prayers and answers them in the best way.
Children can wear “YES” and “NO” wristbands to help them make decisions that are best. This will help them judge how Heavenly Father might answer their prayer. The “YES” wristband reads: “YES, because it’s OK.” The “NO” wristband reads: “NO, because it is best for me.”

Activity Details (Situations to Discuss): The lesson suggests several parent-child situations where children pretend to be the parent. They decide what is best for the children. This way they can learn to make decisions as Heavenly Father does for us as His children when He answers our prayers. Here are a few situations where children pretend to be the parent. They decide what is best for their children.
• Your child wants his dinner, but the dog is hungry too. Do you feed your child dinner first? “NO.” Why do you say that?
• Your child wants to run out on the icy, slippery porch. Do you let him? “NO.” Why do you say that?
• The work is done, and it’s time for fun. Do you go to the park? “YES.” Why do you say that?
• Your child needs his sleep, and it’s time to go to bed. He still wants to play. “NO.” Why do you say that?
• The fish tank is dirty. Do you let your fish swim in dirty water? “NO.” Why do you say that?
• Aunt Susan is sick and needs some loving care. Do you leave her bedside? “NO.” Why do you say that?
• Your child’s favorite TV show is on, and he has helped you set the table for dinner. Do you let him watch TV? “YES.” Why do you say that?
TO MAKE Print or copy, color and cut out wristbands. Attach wristbands with sticky-back Velcro or tape.
THOUGHT TREAT: “YES” and “NO” Cookies. Give children a cookie with a “Y” on it and a cookie with an “N” on it.
LESSON IDEAS (for the above activity):
• Present Lesson 18 – Primary 2 Manual – CTR-A: Prayers Are Answered in the Best Way. Review the enrichment activity #1 (p. 94) in the manual for which the above activity illustrates.
• Teach “A Child’s Prayer” song using song visuals to DOWNLOAD below.