AGES 4-7 ACTIVITY. SECRET SERVICE Because you’re worth it! necklace with giveaway hearts. Children can secretly do a service for a loved one and secretly place a heart (taken from the necklace) for that person where the service took place. Make plenty of these to help them keep the service going. Encourage them to wear the hearts inside their shirt when the service is being done to keep it a SECRET.
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
Little LESSON LIFESAVERS Secret Service necklace
OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps strengthen each youth’s desire to follow Jesus Christ by serving others.
ACTIVITY: Secret Service Necklace
Help youth plan secret services they can do for their family and friends. They can wear this Secret Service Necklace inside their clothes to keep their planned service a secret. When they perform the secret service, they can take a heart off the necklace and leave it for the person to show that someone is secretly serving them.
THE IMAGES ARE NEW AND IMPROVED (since photos were taken)

3 NECKLACE HEARTS (two sets per page) READ:
SECRET SERVICE . . . to know I care!
SECRET SERVICE . . . because I love you!
SECRET SERVICE . . . because you’re worth it!
1. Using cardstock, print or copy, color, and cut out the hearts.
2. Paper punch hearts, then string yarn or ribbon through holes, tying a knot at the end. Place around the child’s neck.
THOUGHT TREAT: Heart-Shaped Treats. Tell children that each time they help another person secretly, they feel happy in their heart.
• Present Lesson 39 – Primary 2 Manual – CTR-A: I Can Follow Jesus Christ by Serving Others. Review the enrichment activity #2 (p. 215) in the manual for which the above activity illustrates.
Older youth can do the above activity with their younger siblings and relatives to show them ways to serve. This practice time prepares them for future living with missionary companions, roommates, and marriage.
• A Happy Family (CS, 198)
• I Feel My Savior’s Love (CS, 74-75)
• I Know That My Savior Loves Me (Friend, Oct. 2002)
• Lord, I Would Follow Thee (Hymn, 220)
• Love Is Spoken Here (CS, 190)
• Love One Another (CS, 136)
• My Heavenly Father Loves Me (CS, 228)
• I Stand All Amazed (Hymns, 193)
• Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth (Hymnal, 298)
• I Hope They Call Me on a Mission (CS, 169)
• We’ll Bring the World His Truth (CS,172)
• The Church of Jesus Christ (CS, 77)
• Holding Hands Around the World (Friend, July 2002)
• Called to Serve (CS 174-75)
• The Things I Do (Children’s Songbook 170)
More Learning Activities:
ACTIVITY: Lend a Hand of Support Wheel . . . Read More – DOWNLOAD BELOW:
VIDEO: Mom’s Surprise Helper – Chad E. Phares, “Mom’s Surprise Helper,” Friend, May 2009, 34–35 (Based on a true story) When we’re helping, we’re happy ( Children’s Songbook, 198). (2:22) CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO FROM YOUR I-PHONE.
VIDEO: Boys milking a cow (to illustrate the story in this lesson)