CHILDREN’S LESSON ACTIVITY. FIND THE LITTLE LOST LAMB picture puzzle. Children can know like the little lost lamb, they too are important to Jesus who loves them. The parable of the lost sheep that Jesus told tells all of just how much He loves us. Our Savior doesn’t want one sheep (child of God) lost. They can search this puzzle for a sheep wearing a tennis shoe, a necktie, a baseball hat, a bell, a bow tie, and more. They are told to “Color the lost lambs as soon as ‘ewe’ find them.”
For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME
Find the Little Lost Lamb picture puzzle
OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps children understand that every person is important to Jesus Christ.
ACTIVITY: Find the Lost Lamb Hidden Picture Puzzle. Tell children about Jesus as the good shepherd who found the lost lamb. Have children pretend to be a good shepherd and find the lost lamb . . . wearing tennis shoes, a necktie, baseball hat, bell, bow tie, and more. Tell children, “Color the lost lambs as soon as you ‘ewe’ find them.”

1. Print or copy the picture poster for each child.
2. Have crayons or markers for children to color the lost lambs.
THOUGHT TREAT: Lambs in the Corral. Make a corral or fence out of graham cracker sections, gluing the corral/fence together with frosting. The corral holds in the little lambs that may run away and get lost. Enclose lambs (miniature white marshmallows) inside the graham cracker corral.
The Lord said: “Fear not, little flock, the kingdom is yours until I come. Behold, I come quickly. Even so. Amen” (D&C 35:27).
ABOUT THE ACTIVITY: Help children know that we can be safe from physical and spiritual dangers. As we (the sheep) keep the commandments, we can stay inside the fence (see commandments on the fence). If we do not keep the commandments, we are subject to dangers: wolves, rocks, river, pit. If we go outside the fence, we can repent and go back inside to keep safe.