USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home lessons, Family Home Evening, Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
Just a Note to Say, “I Love You” pop-up card
OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps children understand that they can follow the example of Jesus Christ and show love by helping others.
ACTIVITY: I Love You Pop-up Card
Encourage each child to give this card to someone they love. Talk to them of other ways they can show their love, by helping others.

1. Print or copy the activity on cardstock, color and cut out.
2. Fold down the center of the heart and cut on the dotted line.
3. Fold bottom lines of heart so heart leans out.
4. Fold between A and B. Spread glue on the back-side of B and glue to A.
THOUGHT TREAT: Heart-to-Heart Biscuit.
– Make baking powder biscuits by rolling out and cutting out two heart-shaped biscuits for each child, laying half of the heart over the other.
– When sharing this heart-warming treat, tell children that when they show love to another by helping, they warm two hearts.
LESSON IDEAS (for activity above):
• Present Lesson 32 – Primary 2 Manual – CTR-A: Love One Another.
Review the attention activity (p. 168) and enrichment activity (p. 171) in the manual for which the following activity illustrates.
More Learning Activities:
BIBLE STORY: Jesus Heals a Sick Man – August 2013 Friend magazine Luke 5:17-25 – Children can help you read this story. On the page after the story is a coloring page.
VIDEO: The Last Supper – Meeting in an upper room with His disciples, Jesus washes their feet, institutes the sacrament, and commands them to love one another. (6:01)