AGES 4-7. THE HOLY GHOST IS MY GREATEST GIFT gift box. When children are eight they can be baptized and receive this special gift illustrated in this box. “I can’t wait until I’m eight! I can receive a special gift. The Holy Ghost can be with me, to comfort, teach and help me obey.” Glue the heart bottom leaving the pocket open to insert the Holy Ghost (spirit image).
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
The Holy Ghost Is My Greatest Gift
(gift box)
ACTIVITY: Holy Ghost Gift Box
Remind children that when they are eight they can be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Create a gift box that shows the Holy Ghost inside a heart pocket. This will remind children that the Holy Ghost is a special gift that helps them to choose the right.
HEART BOX READS: “The Greatest Gift. I can’t wait until I’m 8! I can receive a special gift. The Holy Ghost can be with me to comfort, teach and help me obey.” HEART READS: “The Holy Ghost doesn’t have a body, but he can dwell in my heart.”

TO MAKE Print or copy, color, and cut out the activity on cardstock paper. Fold corners of box and tabs. Glue bottom of heart where indicated, leaving the top open for the pocket to slide in Holy Ghost. Glue tabs on corners to make the box. Fold bow forward to stand up on the box. Place it on the inside of the box with the top portion open (blue only bottom and side (where indicated on the box preview). Then place the Holy Ghost inside the heart-pocket as shown (once the glue is dry).
THOUGHT TREAT: Heart Crackers. Use spray cheese to make heart shapes on crackers to remind children that the Holy Ghost can dwell in our heart.