AGES 4-7 LESSON ACTIVITY. PRIESTHOOD BLESSINGS spiral kite. Children can twirl this kite as they are reminded of Priesthood Power. The power of the wind will move and move this kite. The priesthood is a special power that is even stronger than the wind. Heavenly Father gives a man who holds the priesthood power to heel the sick, name babies, and bless the sacrament, baptize, and give a father’s blessing.”

Priesthood Blessings and Ordinances spiral kite

For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME


Priesthood Blessings spiral kite

The lesson helps children understand the importance of priesthood blessings and ordinances. 

ACTIVITY: Spiral Kite
This kite shows children how the priesthood is a special power to give blessings and perform ordinances such as baptism and healing of the sick. Take hold of the string and swirl and twirl kite.

The Kite Reads, Priesthood Power. The power of the wind will move and move this kite. The priesthood is a special power that is even stronger than the wind. Heavenly Father gives a man who holds the priesthood power to heel the sick, name babies, and bless the sacrament, baptize, and give a father’s blessing.” 


$1.50 Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Come Follow Me – Primary and Home (family home evening), LDS, Christian, Bible Study
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)

TO MAKE: Print or copy, color, and cut out the activity on cardstock paper. Poke a hole in the center spot indicated. Tie yarn or ribbon through the hole.

THOUGHT TREAT: Kite Bread or Cookies. Cut bread dough or sugar cookie dough into kite shapes and press licorice (kite strings) on after baking.

More Lesson Ideas:

$0.50 - PRIESTHOOD: LDS Lesson Activity - priesthood blesses our lives, types of priesthood blessings,, yw2.10PRIESTHOOD POWER – TAKE HOME ACTIVITY (REPORT NEXT WEEK): As the lesson details: This activity is perfect for next week’s lesson as it covers most of these blessings. Talk about the blessings that come from the priesthood by sharing with children the Priesthood Power Blessings Journal (shown right) that you can DOWNLOAD from this website. You can send children home with this two-page handout and the following note (and discuss their feelings next week in class as it matches with the lesson content).

Note: Copy note below to give to children.

DEAR PARENTS: Have your child record/write their feelings about how the priesthood has or will bless their lives on these two inspirational journal pages. Ask them how they would feel if they had to go without one of these blessings; they each play an important role in our eternal salvation. Each blessing is part of Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness.


You may also like Special Blessing Journal (shown right). In this lesson, teachers are asked to send home a note to parents as follows (for which this form could take the place of): Dear __________ Have I ever had a priesthood blessing? Please tell me about it. Love, ______


Priesthood Blessings and Ordinances, Primary Lesson Helps, Primary 3 CTR-B, Lesson 9

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