For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME
“Jesus Is My Light” light switch cover
OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps children understand that developing faith in Jesus Christ is the first principle of the gospel.
ACTIVITY: “Jesus Is My Light” Light Switch Cover
This light switch cover helps children know that Jesus is the light in their lives. He is the light of the world (Doctrine and Covenants 10:70*). Show them how to place the light-switch cover on a light-switch.
*D&C 10:70 “And now, remember the words of him who is the life and light of the world, your Redeemer, your Lord and your God. Amen.”

TO MAKE Print or copy, color, and cut out the activity on cardstock paper.
THOUGHT TREAT: Sun Light Sugar Cookies. Make round sugar cookies. Before baking, cut a mouth in the bottom center and sunray slits on edges. Press candy eyes in the dough and sprinkle with yellow sugar before baking. To color sugar, mix sugar with drops of yellow food coloring.
LESSON IDEAS (for the above activity):
• Present Lesson 7 – Primary 3 Manual – CTR-B: Faith in Jesus Christ. Review the teacher presentation (p. 31) in the manual for which the above activity illustrates (as follows).
Hold up the Bible. Point out that part of the Bible tells about the time when Jesus lived on the earth, gave the people his teachings, and organized his Church. The Bible tells about the people who saw and knew Jesus and about the way he helped many of them.
Picture and scripture story
Display picture 3-16, Healing the Blind. Tell the children the story of Bartimaeus, a blind man who lived during the time of Jesus (see Mark 10:46–52).
Explain that when Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was coming, he cried out for Jesus to have mercy on him. Many people told Bartimaeus not to bother Jesus and to be quiet. But Jesus heard Bartimaeus and asked to have Bartimaeus brought to him. Bartimaeus asked Jesus to heal him so that he could see.
Ask the children to listen as you read Mark 10:52 to discover what happened to Bartimaeus.
What happened to Bartimaeus? (Jesus healed him. Bartimaeus could see.)
Jesus said that Bartimaeus was healed because he had faith. Bartimaeus believed that Jesus could heal him.
What does the story of Bartimaeus help us know about Jesus? (Jesus loves us and will help us if we have faith in him.)
Hold up the Book of Mormon. Explain that in this book of scripture called the Book of Mormon, we can read of a large group of Nephite people in America who saw Jesus and heard him speak after he was resurrected from the dead.
Read 3 Nephi 11:8. Place picture 3-17, Jesus Teaching in the Western Hemisphere, over the picture of Jesus’ baptism. Read 3 Nephi 11:9–10. Explain that Jesus told the people that he was Jesus Christ, the Savior that the prophets had said would come.
Help the children understand how happy the Nephite people must have felt to know that Jesus had come as he said he would. Jesus asked the people to touch his hands and feet so they would know that he had died and had been resurrected.
What can we learn about Jesus from his appearance to the Nephite people? (He died and was resurrected. He lives.)
Go to the Articles of Faith 1:4 Scripture Poster (shown below) to download poster and cards to give to children for this CTR-B Lesson 7 Faith in Jesus Christ. DOWNLOAD below ⇓
CLICK HERE FOR THE NEXT ACTIVITY: CTR-B LESSON 8 The Church of Jesus Christ Has Prophets to Teach Us (shown right).
CLICK HERE FOR THE PREVIOUS ACTIVITY: CTR-B LESSON 6 Jesus Christ’s Church Has Been Restored (shown below).
Help children memorize the “First Principles” Articles of Faith 1:4. CLICK HERE or below to DOWNLOAD scripture poster/card set ⇓