ACTIVITY AGES 4-7. RIGHT ROAD TO HEAVEN map and “Trusty Truck.” Talk about gaining Heavenly Father’s trust as they drive their “Trusty Truck” through life making the right choices to find the Right Road to Heaven. They can stop and have family lessons at home, visit the church to learn to CTR (Choose the Right), at school to learn how to be kind, bypass the dead end and go to a grove of trees to pray then reach HEAVEN!
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
Right Road to Heaven roadmap with Trusty Truck
OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps children understand that Heavenly Father trusts him or her to make the right choices. If they get off the path and start to go down the wrong road they can repent and get back on to make it to heaven.
ACTIVITY: Right Road to Heaven Map with “trusty truck”: Help children go through this road map to find ways they can be trusted by placing the “trusty truck” on the path from the START position.
TO MAKE: Print or copy, color, and cut out the activity, cutting out the truck.
TESTIMONY: Share your testimony or this one from Elder Richard D. Allred of the Seventy in the Friend Magazine, June 2000.
“I testify that Father in Heaven will help you as you do these important things. He hears and answers your prayers. Be obedient to Heavenly Father and your parents, and you will feel the Holy Ghost guide you in the decisions you make. This is an exciting time in your life! Remember that you are a special child of God. He loves you very much.”

THOUGHT TREAT: Trusty Truck Wheels. Round wheel-shaped candies that children can have a “wheelie” good time eating. Talk about the “sweet” right road to heaven.