AGES 4-7. HEAVENLY FATHER HELPS ME WHEN I PRAY dot-to-dot. As children draw Jesus following the numbers as He knelt and prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane they can think about God the Father and the Son and how we are also spirit children of Heavenly Father who can pray to Him daily. He will answer our prayers. When we need guidance He is there just as He was for Jesus when He prayed for us.

$1.50 Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Come Follow Me - New Testament, Primary and Home lessons, family home evening

For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME

Jesus Praying (Dot-to-dot puzzle)

OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps children realize that they can receive help from Heavenly Father when they pray. See LESSON IDEAS* (below).

ACTIVITY: Jesus Praying (dot-to-dot puzzle)
Follow numbered dots to complete the picture of Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane.


• Tell children, “This picture shows Jesus’ love and that Heavenly Father will help us when we pray.”
• Ask children, “What is Jesus doing in this picture?” 
(Praying to Heavenly Father.)

HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)

• Ask, “Wh
y did Jesus pray? (He needed Heavenly Father’s help to guide Him.) 
Explain that when Jesus was on earth He prayed often to Heavenly Father. We can also pray to Heavenly Father when we need help.

TO MAKE Print or copy, color, and cut out the activity.

THOUGHT TREAT Frosted Sugar Cookies decorated with heart-shaped candies to remind children that Heavenly Father loves them and will hear their prayers.

Heavenly Father Helps Us When We Pray

Picture and scripture story

Show picture 3-46, Jesus Praying in Gethsemane.

  • What is Jesus Christ doing in this picture? (Praying to Heavenly Father.)
  • Why did Jesus pray? (He needed Heavenly Father’s help to guide him.)


Heavenly Father Helps Us When We Pray

Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)

ILLUSTRATED in the above activity

Show picture 3-46, Jesus Praying in Gethsemane.

  • What is Jesus Christ doing in this picture? (Praying to Heavenly Father.)

  • Why did Jesus pray? (He needed Heavenly Father’s help to guide him.)

Explain that when Jesus was on earth he prayed often to Heavenly Father. We can also pray to Heavenly Father when we need help.

Prayer – Heavenly Father Helps Us When We Pray, Primary Lesson Helps, Primary 3 CTR-B, Lesson 19

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