AGES 4-7 LESSON ACTIVITY. I CAN LIVE FOREVER! resurrection garden tomb slideshow. Before we came to earth Jesus volunteered to be our Savior, to come to earth and die for us and be resurrected so we could also live forever. The tomb slideshow is of this story.
For Come Follow Me lessons, Children and Youth goals, Primary, Sunday School, and family night and devotionals
I can live forever with the help of Jesus.
garden tomb – resurrection slideshow
OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps children understand that because of Jesus Christ’s love for us, he made it possible for us to live forever.
ACTIVITY: Resurrection Slideshow
This pull-through picture strip teaches children about the Resurrection. Tell children that we can have our bodies forever because Jesus died and was resurrected for us.

1. Print or copy, color, and cut out the activity on cardstock paper.
2. Cut slits on both sides of the tomb.
3. Attach a rock to the side of the tomb with a paper fastener or button brad to open and close over the tomb and slide show.
4. Pull the picture strip through the tomb, folding tabs on ends to keep it in place.
To make a button brad, sew two buttons together on opposite sides (threading the thread through the same hole) to attach wheel parts.
THOUGHT TREAT: Rock Candy or a Bread Roll. If using a bread roll, open the roll-up to show the bottom as the backside of the tomb and the top as the front rock that was rolled out. Option: A fruit roll-up can be placed as the blanket that was left there once Jesus left the tomb.
THOUGHT: The rock slideshow reads, “We can all live forever with the help of Jesus.” Tell children that Jesus died for us and was resurrected so that everyone can live again after they die. We are all promised this.
We are also promised that if we live all of God’s commandments we can live with Heavenly Father and Jesus again.
• Present Lesson 46 – Primary 3 Manual – CTR-B: Jesus Christ Made It Possible for Us to Live Forever (Easter). SEE CTR-B MANUAL HERE.
Review the teacher testimony/summary and enrichment activity 2 (p. 233) in the manual for which the above activity illustrates.