AGES 4-7 LET’S BE TOGETHER FOREVER! temple eternity wheel. Children can prepare to enter God’s temple where families can be sealed together forever. TURN THE WHEEL: Obey the commandments, Love one another, Obey the Word of Wisdom, Pay their tithing, Attend church, and Be honest.
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
Let’s be together forever! temple eternity wheel
OBJECTIVE: The activity helps children learn ways they can prepare to enter the temple where families can be sealed together forever.
ACTIVITY: Temple Eternity Wheel
Using the “Let’s Be Together Forever” wheel, talk about how children can prepare to attend the temple by doing the things found on the wheel:
• Obey the commandments
• Love one another
• Obey the Word of Wisdom
• Pay their tithing
• Attend church
• Be honest

TO MAKE Print, color, and cut out the visuals that follow for each child on cardstock paper. Punch a hole in the center of parts A and B and place a metal brad or button brad in the center to attach parts as shown. To make a button brad, sew two buttons together on opposite sides (threading thread through the same hole) to attach wheel parts.
THOUGHT TREAT: Temple-shaped Mints. Tell children we were “mint” (meant) to be sealed to our families for eternity.