AGES 1-5 STEPS TO PRAYER poster or coloring page. Children can learn 1. To open prayer say, “Dear Heavenly Father.” 2. Thank Him for your many blessings. 3. Ask Him for the things you need. 4. To close your prayer say, “In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.” Plus, the Home Activity encourages parents to remind them to say prayers morning and night and that Heavenly Father is there to listen (and talk spirit-to-spirit).
GREAT FOR Come Follow Me lessons (Primary and home), family home evening, and scripture study
poster or coloring page
ALSO, USE ACTIVITY FOR Nursery Lesson 3: I Can Pray to Heavenly Father (HERE)
OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps children know that when we pray, we talk to Heavenly Father: We thank Him for blessings, tell Him we love Him, and ask Him to help us with our needs, and also to help other. We end our prayers in the name of Jesus Christ. Prayer is a great blessing.
1. Give each child a poster (shown) to color.
2. Talk about the poster, as you help children learn to pray. Tell them: (1) Open your prayer by saying, “Heavenly Father.” (2) Thank Heavenly Father for your many blessings. (3) Ask Heavenly Father for the things you need. (4) Close your prayer by saying, “In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.” Show this poster and review it each week to help children learn to pray.
3. Talk about the Home Activity
• (Part 1) “Help me remember to say my own prayers in the morning and at night.” Talk about kneeling beside your bed to pray when you get up in the morning and before getting into bed at night.
• (Part 2) “Remind me that Heavenly Father will listen whenever I need to talk.” Tell them about different situations at home and away, saying that they can talk to Heavenly Father in prayer anywhere and at any time, day or night. Look them in the eyes and say, “He sees you,” and hold your hands up to your ears and say, “He hears you too.”
THOUGHT TREAT: Reverence sandwich cookies. Open sandwich cookie and say, “These two cookie parts are like our arms to fold tightly when we pray. Put cookie parts together. Say, “When we pray to Heavenly Father, it is good to fold our arms and close our eyes (take the cookie apart again and put it together again). Doing this helps us think of what to say and listen to our heart and mind as we pray.”
SING “A Child’s Prayer” (Children’s Songbook, 12). DOWNLOAD song visuals to teach this song HERE or below ⇓
Click HERE to find 3a CRAFT activity for this same lesson – Nursery Lesson 3: I Can Pray to Heavenly Father (shown right).
Click HERE to find 4a CRAFT activity for the next Nursery 4: Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Love Me.
Click HERE to find 4b POSTER activity for the Nursery 4: Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Love Me.
Click HERE to find 2b POSTER activity for the previous Nursery lesson 2: Heavenly Father Has a Plan for Me.
Click HERE for Nursery lessons 1-30.