AGES 1-5, 4-7, 8-11 LESSON ACTIVITY. BOOK OF MORMON STORIES show-and-tell. Using the cards children can be witnesses just like these six stories of Nephites who told of Jesus coming to ancient America after His resurrection. These are Book of Mormon Heroes: Nephi, Abinadi, Alma, Ammon, Captain Moroni, and the three Nephites. Tell children that all these men testified of Jesus.
Use for: NURSERY “Behold Your Little Ones” Lesson or COME FOLLOW ME Primary and Home lessons, Family Home Evening, Sharing Time
Book of Mormon show-and-tell story cards
LESSON IDEAS: Nursery/Sunbeam Lesson 22 “The Book of Mormon Teaches Me about Jesus Christ” (HERE).
OBJECTIVE: Tell children that the Book of Mormon is a book of scripture that tells us about the people who lived in a different part of the world, in ancient America.
The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ besides the Bible. After Jesus died and was resurrected, He appeared to the Nephites who lived in this land. It tells how He blessed the little children and the people and taught them. It tells how much they loved Jesus.

CRAFT ACTIVITY – Scriptures Contain True Stories – Book of Mormon Show-and-Tell
1. Print or copy the activity cards. Fold and glue stories on the back of the matching picture.
2. Help children learn these true stories of six Book of Mormon heroes: Nephi, Abinadi, Alma, Ammon, Captain Moroni, and the three Nephites. Tell children that all these men testified of Jesus.
THOUGHT TREAT: Picture This cookie. Provide cookie children can frost, creating a picture of their favorite Book of Mormon scripture story figure (e.g., Nephi on a ship sailing to Promised Land). Tell a scripture story as they munch.
SINGING for The Book of Mormon Teaches Me about Jesus Christ (Nursery Lesson 22) and Heavenly Father Gave Us the Scriptures (Sunbeam Lesson 41): Sing “Book of Mormon Stories” (Children’s Songbook, 118).

NOTE: There are two different lessons you can use for this activity (shown below Lesson 41 and above Lesson 22).

Sunbeam Lesson 41 – Heavenly Father and Jesus Gave Us the Scriptures in the Primary 1 manual (HERE).