AGES 1-5 I’M THANKFUL FOR JESUS’S BIRTH poster or coloring page. Children feel love for babies, and especially this baby cuddled in a blanket lying in a manger bed. The HOME ACTIVITY helps them discuss with family that special night when Jesus was born and the gifts given Him.
Use Activity for Come Follow Me – Primary or Home Activities
“I’m thankful for Jesus’s birth.” poster or coloring page
Also, use for Nursery Lesson 30: Jesus Christ Is the Son of Heavenly Father
Click the following to find Nursery Lesson 30 – Jesus Christ Is the Son of Heavenly Father in the Behold Your Little Ones manual.
OBJECTIVE: Tell children that Jesus Christ has a mortal mother, Mary, and an immortal father, Heavenly Father. Jesus is God’s Only Begotten Son. Because He loves us, He sent Jesus to the earth to be our Savior and our example.

POSTER ACTIVITY – Baby Jesus Poster
1. Print the poster in color to show children, and print in black-and-white for each child to color.
2. Talk about the poster, saying, “I’m thankful for Jesus’s birth.”
• Tell the story of the birth of Jesus. Tell children that Jesus Christ is the Son of Heavenly Father.
• Talk about the birth of baby Jesus, telling of the shepherds who followed the special star that shown brightly that night, leading them to the baby Jesus. They found Him in a manger with Mary and Joseph. The wise men also came and brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
• See Stars on Handout: Read, “What gifts can I give Him?” We can learn to do many things. We can serve others, we can learn to help at home, be kind, share, and care. Read, “How can I show my love?” We can be kind to others, and this way we are being kind to Jesus. He was born on the earth so that He could grow up and teach us how to be happy and love others.
3. Talk about the Home Activity: “Tell me about the special night that Jesus was born and what gifts I can give to Him.”
THOUGHT TREAT: Rice Krispie Baby-Cradle. Shape a manger using Rice Krispies treats (recipe). Tell children about that special cradle that held the baby Jesus that special night of the birth of Jesus. Eat the cradle as you think about baby Jesus.
• Sing “Away in a Manger” (Children’s Songbook, 42) download below.
• Sing “Jesus Loved the Little Children” (Children’s Songbook, 59).
Click HERE to find 30a CRAFT activity for this same lesson – Nursery Lesson 30: Jesus Christ Is the Son of Heavenly Father (shown right).
THIS IS THE LAST LESSON ACTIVITY 1-30 to match the Nursery Behold Your Little Ones manual.
Click HERE to go back to Nursery Lesson 1: I Am a Child of God.
Click HERE to find 29b POSTER activity for the previous Nursery lesson 29: Jesus Christ Was Resurrected.
Click HERE for Nursery lessons 1-30.
Thank you – what great ideas