GREAT FOR CHILDREN – Come Follow Me Lessons for Primary, family home evening, Bible Study
I Have Many Feelings! poster
OBJECTIVE: Help children understand and identify feelings and learn ways to be happy.
POSTER ACTIVITY – I Have Many Feelings! Poster
1. Print or copy the activity poster to color.
2. Talk about poster, saying, “I have many feelings!” (happy, frightened, angry, sad)
• Talk about experiences children have that bring on these feelings and what they can do to feel better.
3. Talk about the Home Activity: “Ask me to tell you when I am happy, sad, angry, or frightened. Help me thank Heavenly Father when I am happy. Help me pray so the Holy Ghost can help me feel better when I feel sad, angry, or frightened.”
THOUGHT TREAT: Feeling-face cookies. Give each child two cookies, one frosted with a smile and the other with a frown. As they eat each cookie, talk about feelings that come with that expression: smile (happy) and frown (angry, sad). Give them a mirror so they can try expressions. Show them how to look surprised (mouth open). The best expression is a smile that comes from making the right choices.
Sing “Smiles” (above) to turn frown upside-down and smile the frown away.
SINGING FUN. Sing the following song and notice the words HAPPINESS and JOY and actions that make us smile. In the song we learn that families that pray together, serve each other, and read the scriptures find JOY and HAPPINESS.
• DOWNLOAD Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth, Hymns p. 298 SONG VISUALS HERE (shown right). Focus on the words in the first verse:
Home can be a heav’n on earth
When we are filled with love,
Bringing HAPPINESS and JOY
In the 2nd verse find the words:
MORE SINGING for I Have Feelings (lesson): Sing “Smiles,” “I Am Like a Star,” and “Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam” (Children’s Songbook, 267, 163, 60).
Click HERE to find 21a CRAFT activity (shown right) for this same lesson – Sunbeam Lesson 21: I Have Feelings—sunshine face smile/frown flip-flag (shown below).
YOUTH CAN TEACH Activities to make this year a “HAPPY” New Year for children and youth
Use the following article to give you details (a preview) of the 26 HAPPY activities.
TEACH ANY OF THESE ACTIVITIES anytime or follow these four topics (below) and teach them day-by-day or week-by-week at CHURCH or HOME as you set and achieve these goals in the new year. Enjoy!
• HAPPY Family (#1-5 Activities)
• HAPPY Service (#6-11 Activities)
• HAPPY Choices (#12-22 Activities)
• Plan of HAPPINESS (#23-26 Activities)