AGES 1-5 LESSON ACTIVITY. I CAN BE HONEST poster or coloring page. Children can color the pictures and think about ways they can be honest: “I will not take things that do not belong to me.” “I will tell the truth!” Plus the HOME ACTIVITY a parent can discuss with them, “Let’s talk about the qualities of a person who is honest. Help me to never take things that are not mine and to always speak the truth.”
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
I Can Be Honest poster or coloring page
OBJECTIVE: Help strengthen each child’s desire, to be honest.
POSTER ACTIVITY – I can be honest.
1. Print or copy the activity poster to color.
2. Talk about the poster, saying, “I can be honest.”
• “I will not take things that do not belong to me.”
Have a box full of things children like—fish crackers, money (shown on the handout), and toys.

Say, “These things belong to me, but if you want to have a fish cracker, you can ask me, and I will share it with you. If you want a toy that costs money, you don’t take the money from others but do jobs to earn the money. This is being honest. If you want to play with my toys, you can ask, and I will share them with you. But never take something that doesn’t belong to you. That is not honest.”
• “I can tell the truth.” What if you broke your mother’s special dish? Would you hide it and not tell her? No. You would say you are sorry and try not to touch her special things.
3. Talk about the Home Activity: “Let’s talk about the qualities of a person that is honest. Help me to never take things that are not mine and to always speak the truth.”
THOUGHT TREAT: Truthful trout (goldfish crackers). Tell children stories about honesty or dishonesty. As children hear an honest action they can say, “Truthful Trout,” and go fish for a cracker.
SINGING for Sunbeam Lesson 37 – I Can Be Honest: Sing “Fun to Do” (Children’s Songbook, 253). Children can use the action cards to get started, then sing, “Being honest is fun to do” or “Telling the truth is fun to do.”
GO TO Sunbeam Lesson 37 – I Can Be Honest in the Primary 1 manual. THERE ARE TWO ACTIVITIES for this lesson.
• One is a CRAFT I Can Be Honest–Stripling Warrior headband found HERE (shown right/below) (teaching them to be honest like these faith-filled warriors in the Book of Mormon; there were 2,000 of them who believed in God and were trustworthy, doing as their mothers had taught them to do).
• The other is I can be honest. (poster or coloring activity) found above.
Click HERE to find 38a CRAFT activity for the next Sunbeam 38: I Can Be Reverent.
Click HERE to find 38b POSTER activity for the Sunbeam 38: I Can Be Reverent (shown below).
Click HERE to find 36b POSTER activity for the previous Sunbeam lesson 36: I Can Be a Good Example (shown below).
Click HERE for Sunbeam lessons 1-46.