YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. LIGHT OF THE HOLY GHOST mobile.Youth can learn how the Spirit is their light by learning from these scriptures to fill in the blanks on both sides of the mobile. Examples: (one side) Be Worthy of to Receive the Holy Ghost #1 “REPENT of my sins” found in Mosiah 4:10. (flip-side) Blessings of the Holy Ghost #1 in “He shall TEACH you all things” found in John 14:26. Youth can compete to find, then share answers.
Great for COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Family Home Evening, Bible Study, and Activity Days
Light of the Holy Ghost mobile
This activity helps youth learn how the Holy Ghost is their light. With the different sides of the mobile, they will learn (1) Different ways that the Holy Ghost can bless their lives and (2) What they can do to be worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost. Look up scriptures for clues to the missing words (answers follow).
. Light Bulb, side 1 (Blessings): What are the different ways that the Holy Ghost can bless our lives?
Answers: (1) teach, (2) things, (3) truth, (4) record, (5) comforter, (6) mind, heart

. Light Bulb, side 2 (Worthiness): What we must do to be worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost?
Answers: (1) repent, (2) commandments, (3) pray, (4) faith, (5) world, (6) baptized
TO MAKE print activity in color or black and white (and color, or print in color. Cut out. Glue back to back, punch a hole at the top, then tie a 12-inch ribbon at the top so young women can hang the mobile in their room.
THOUGHT TREAT: Two-Way Lightbulb Jello Jigglers. Make the recipe of Jell-O Jigglers (HERE) and talk about the two-sided lightbulb (detailed in the activity above).
STOP AND SMELL THE FLOWERS (Compare to the Spirit – the Holy Ghost):
1. Create a room full of clutter with a bouquet of flowers in the center of the table. Have dirty dishes on the table. Scatter magazines, papers, and clothes all over the floor. Have a dust cloth, vacuum, a pan of dish soap, and a dishcloth to wash dishes available. Ask youth to enter the room, sit down, and write down their feelings.
2. Ask youth to go out, but have a few stay after and help clean up the room. Leave the bouquet of flowers in the center of the table.
3. Ask youth to come back into the room and write down their impressions. Say, “The bouquet of flowers you see can be compared to the Holy Ghost in our lives. The first time you saw this room, you saw a room full of clutter. You may not have noticed the flowers. But when the room was free of clutter, you might have seen the flowers first. This is how it is with the Holy Ghost. When our minds are free of clutter, we are free to listen to and enjoy Heavenly Father’s spirit.”
4. Make a list of things that clutter their lives that might prevent us from listening to the Spirit (for example, not doing homework, not going to church, not reading the scriptures, not helping around the house, not going to seminary, etc.)
5. Blindfold one of the youth, saying, “Sometimes we blindfold ourselves with things that don’t matter and neglect the things that do matter.” Ask youth what our decisions would be without the influence of the Holy Ghost.
ENCOURAGE WRITING OF PERSONAL STORIES OF FEELING THE SPIRIT: See the My Writing Creation Activity TO DOWNLOAD (for youth to write their stories) and the following example. • I Felt the Spirit – From an interview with Sister Linda K. Burton, Relief Society General Board President; by Linda Davies
• JANUARY Lesson 4 “What are the roles of the Holy Ghost?” ⇒
• JULY Lesson 3 “How do I receive the gift of the Holy Ghost? ⇒