YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. MY VALUE-ABLE LIST TO EARN TEMPLE BLESSINGS journal. Youth can write how they can prepare for the temple by living these youth VALUES: Faith, Divine Nature, Individual Worth, Knowledge, Choice and Accountability, Good Works, Integrity, and Virtue.
Use for COME FOLLOW ME Young Women, Young Men, Family Home Evening, Seminary/Institute, Sunday School, youth goals
My Value-able List to Earn Temple Blessings journal
Read Harold B. Lee’s quote on the Temple Blessings handout (shown right). Quote: “In the temples of your God you are endowed not with a rich legacy of worldly treasure, but with a wealth of eternal riches that are above price.”
Tell youth they can have the blessings of the temple as they strive to live the values in the Young Women’s value garden. Have them write beside each floral symbol what they will do to be temple worthy (using each value as their guide).
Coloring the Handout: If the visual is not printed in color, have youth color the floral symbols as follows: Faith (white lily), Divine Nature (blue morning glory), Individual Worth (red rose), Knowledge (green ivy), Choice and Accountability (orange poppy), Good Works (yellow sunflower), Integrity (purple pansy), and Virtue (gold orchid). See GARDEN ACTIVITY below*.

TO MAKE Download and print activity in color, or color (in the colors detailed above).
TEMPLE/ANCIENT HISTORY TOUR: Have an evening of ancient history, and decorate a room with ancient temples drawn on butcher paper. Invite someone to come and talk about ancient temples. Tell why, where, etc., about the very first temples from the time of Adam. Talk about the ordinances and temple ordinances restored by the Prophet Joseph Smith: baptism, confirmation to receive the Holy Ghost, the sacrament, and the temple ordinances of baptism for the dead, marriage, the sealing of husband and wife so families can be together forever.
*TOUR TEMPLE GARDENS: Have youth receive a tour of the temple gardens by a guide. As they tour think of the different value colors and floral symbols found on the Value-able List for Blessings handout (above). Have them pack a lunch to enjoy at the gardens. If they tour the gardens in the evening around 6 or 7 they can take great photos as the shadows and sunlight offer contrast giving flowers contrast. Shown right are: Great Works yellow sunflower, Choice and Accountability orange poppy, and Individual Worth red rose.
*GARDEN PHOTO CONTEST: While in the temple ground garden, search for value colors. Award photographers for #1 the most value color photos taken, #2 The best photo in the following colors: WHITE is faith, BLUE is Divine Nature, RED is Individual Worth, GREEN is Knowledge, ORANGE is Choice and Accountability, YELLOW is Good Works, PURPLE is Integrity, and GOLD is Virtue. Award winners and give them a chance to tell why their value (representing their winning photo) is an important value to help you prepare to receive sacred temple ordinances.
TEMPLE MATRON OR TEMPLE PRESIDENT TALK: Invite a temple matron or temple president to come speak to youth or go with them to the temple where this individual can speak with them. Speaker can talk about the proper dress for the temple (including jewelry for young women), the basic ordinances performed in the temple, and the sacredness of this holy place. Talk about the reverence that should exist in the temple. Mention the prayer rolls where youth can call in names to be entered on these prayer rolls. Discuss baptism for the dead and preparing for the temple.
BAPTISM FOR THE DEAD: Have youth receive a recommend from the bishop and go together to the temple to perform this great work.
BISHOP PREVIEW TEMPLE QUESTIONS: The bishop can help youth prepare to enter the temple by asking them to think of the questions he might ask if he were interviewing them for a temple recommend.
SHARE VIDEO: A Family Story – The Bourne family explains what’s important to them and how they are drawing closer as a family by being members of the Church. (2:38) CLICK HERE TO VIEW ON I-PHONE.
Source YW2.14