Youth can write in this Smooth Sailing Companion-“ship” Journal ways they can prepare to be an eternal companion. Most skills take planning and much preparation to develop.
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Youth GOAL
Plan what I must do to “sail” (prepare) to be an eternal companion.
Goal Ideas
Youth can write in this Smooth Sailing Companion-“ship” Journal ways they can prepare to be an eternal companion. Most skills take planning and much preparation to develop (starting with small goals, taking mini-steps).
• “I believe that the most important single thing that any Latter-day Saint ever does in this world is to marry the right person, in the right place, by the right authority.” – Agency or Inspiration? – Elder Bruce R. McConkie Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (Agency or Inspiration? Eternal Marriage Student Manual)*
• Tenderness and respect—never selfishness—must be the guiding principles in the intimate relationship between husband and wife. —President Howard W. Hunter
*References to Obtain Ideas: Preparing for an Eternal Marriage 21 lessons (HERE)
GREAT FOR Youth goals, Sunday School, Scripture Study, Family Night, and Come Follow Me
Smooth Sailing Companion-ship Journal

Help youth think of what they can do now to prepare to be an eternal companion. Write ideas in this journal.
Ideas: • Study scriptures often • Have family home evening regularly • Listen • Share skills with young children • Cook basic, healthy-balanced meals • Baby-sit • Practice house-keeping skills • Balance a checkbook • Budget money • Be a good friend • Share • Smile and look on the bright side • Learn to can produce • Learn to sew • Learn gardening skills • Save money for a rainy day • Cook-up-a- storm, but don’t let the dishes “reign” • Clean house before bed • Plan clothing before bed
TO MAKE print activity in color or black and white.
YOUNG MEN: How can I prepare now to be a righteous husband and father or wife and mother?
THOUGHT TREAT: Companion-ship Sandwich. Make a half sandwich for each youth and place a cheese sail on top with a toothpick. As you eat, talk about smooth sailing companion-“ship” ideas.
For Church or Family
YOUNG WOMEN – ORGANIZE DON’T AGONIZE: Have a very good housekeeper and homemaker come and talk to young women about schedules, especially balancing work and family time. Collect bright ideas about organizing, or ask young women to bring an idea to share.
YOUNG WOMEN – PAMPER YOURSELF: “Sharpen the saw,” by doing things that keep your spirits up, e.g., bubble bath, manicure, new hairstyle, a good book, prayer, walks, grooming, uplifting scriptures.
1. Have youth organize and do a guest pretend (anticipate a visitor and clean the house and perk up your image).
2. Choose one day the next week and help youth create a list of what needs to be done in order to make their home presentable for a very important guest.
3. Talk about how it’s too easy to “sweep the dirt under the rug,” meaning, to clean up fast when you know someone is coming in a few minutes. This crash-cleaning method doesn’t work in the long run because you put things away where they don’t belong, which adds to the stress of everyday living.
4. Help youth collect ideas to share. Example: A cleaning expert was asked how she controls dirty dishes so they don’t clutter the kitchen. She replied, “Keep dishwasher unloaded or emptied especially before bed so it’s easy to fill the next day, keeping dishes off the counter or the sink.”
YOUNG MEN – DAD FOR A DAY BRAINSTORM: Have guys mentally role-play DAD DUTIES for a day, doing all for the children and household while MOM IS AWAY. Have young women make a list ahead of time of MOM duties they see need to be done in one day. Have young men make the list. Then compare their lists with the young women to see if they named all of the important duties.
SHOW VIDEO: Enduring Love – Watch how this couple demonstrates pure love and service in their marriage—even though they have to endure debilitating physical adversity. (4:16) CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO FROM YOUR I-PHONE.
SHOW VIDEO: Saving Your Marriage – A marriage, like human life, is a precious, living thing. Spouses should exercise faith in Christ and love for each other to heal and strengthen their relationship. (2:14) CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO FROM YOUR I-PHONE.
SHOW VIDEO: Expressions of Love – Couples of all ages share the many ways they have found to express love for each other. (3:26) CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO FROM YOUR I-PHONE.
Source: YW 3.4