GREAT FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH – Come Follow Me Lessons for: Primary, family home evening, Sunday School, Seminary, Bible Study
Family Life Can Be a Picnic tent-card
OBJECTIVE: Help young women realize that family life can be a “picnic” (or at least a lot easier) if we have the right attitude. Talk about the roles of being a wife and mother to make their family life great!
ACTIVITY: They can write on these tent card ROLES OF A WIFE AND MOTHER that help makes family life more enjoyable.
Encourage young women to create a positive environment while they are living at home. Then when they are living with roommates or have a home of their own, they will be in the habit of creating a positive environment, where friendship and love can endure.

TO MAKE Print activity in color or black and white. When cutting out, cut on top of cards on dotted lines, careful not to cut out sides so the card can be folded and stood up, with family flap opening up (as shown).
THOUGHT TREAT: Picnic with the Ants. This (activity above) tent card could be placed in the picnic basket to give each youth. Brainstorm the roles and have someone record them to later give youth. Then they can decide which roles to fulfill. They may already know the roles they wish to exemplify from their parents and others; know what they want to record on their tent card.
INTERNATIONAL NIGHT: Have several women of different nationalities come and talk about their roles as wives and mothers. Have visitors express their feelings about their callings as wives and mothers, and the influence the world has. Discuss the similarities in their roles as they strive to do what their Heavenly Father wants them to do. If providing food from different countries, tell about them (e.g., cooking and customs).
A MAN’S OPINION PANEL: Have a panel of husbands and young men. Ask them to share their thoughts about their wives or mothers and what makes the “best” mom or a “great” wife. Have girls help you prepare questions ahead of time to ask the panel.
VIDEO: Lasting Marriage – A couple explains how they have been married for 47 years. (0:47) CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO ON I-PHONE.
SHOW VIDEO: Standing Up: Marriage – A discussion on the importance of marriage and how it affects society. Also, tips for a stronger, happier marriage. (25:30) CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO FROM YOUR I-PHONE.
Source YW 1.8
• AUGUST Lesson 5 “How can I prepare to be a righteous wife and mother?”