GREAT FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH – Come Follow Me Lessons for: Primary, family home evening, Sunday School, Seminary, Bible Study
Family Fun Activity Sack
Ask youth to motivate their family to fun activities by drawing these activities out of the sack to do for family home evening. To review activity ideas have youth take turns drawing and reading wordstrips from the sack.

Encourage youth to invent their own ideas and place them on wordstrips to add to their Family Fun activity sack. Review the “Five Ways to Create Memorable Moments” on the label.
TO MAKE Print activity in color or black and white. Slip label into a bag with cut-out wordstrips.
THOUGHT TREAT: Give Me Five! Give each youth/family member 5 olives to place on their fingers. As they invent a family activity to add to your sack they can eat an olive. Record activities on word-strips to place in sack with the others.
MUTUAL NIGHT, Family Home Evening, Sunday School, Seminary ACTIVITIES
FAMILY-FUN-SACK BRAINSTORM: Ask youth to write their favorite fun family activities to share with the others. Type and photocopy their bright ideas to share.
FAMILY ACTIVITY SHOW-AND-TELL: Have selected youth demonstrate how to do their favorite activity. They could bring games, have relay races, put on a play or skit, etc.
HAVE PARENTS SHARE IDEAS: Have parents come and discuss ways to have a successful family home evening.
TEACH A FILING SYSTEM: Have an organized person show youth how to file papers and ideas that are worth keeping so they can find them quickly. Ideas: File bills, banking records, scrapbook photos and keepsakes, and lessons for family home evening. One temporary filing system is called “My Desk.” Place divider pockets inside a looseleaf notebook and label the pockets with post-it-notes as to the subject to file. Subjects might include school, work, Young Women handouts, goals, finances, reading, family activities, friends, mail, etc. Then slip the papers in the pockets to file quickly.
VIDEO: Soccer – A father plays soccer with his children. (0:22) CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO FROM YOUR I-PHONE.
VIDEO: Dinner Conversation – A man receives a dramatic phone call while out to dinner. (1:02) CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO FROM YOUR I-PHONE.
Source YW 3.10