YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. PAINTING RIGHTEOUS HABITS planner. Youth can color their lives with character traits to get through latter-day challenges. With FAITH they can “move mountains.” With DIVINE NATURE they can become like God. With INDIVIDUAL WORTH they can gain strength to rise above. With KNOWLEDGE they have power. With CHOICE AND ACCOUNTABILITY they have confidence. With GOOD WORKS they strengthen all. With INTEGRITY they can be trusted. With VIRTUE they become God-like.
Use for COME FOLLOW ME Young Women, Young Men, Family Home Evening, Seminary/Institute
Painting Righteous Habits planner
OBJECTIVE: Tell the youth that they can maintain virtue through righteous living. They can use this Painting Righteous Habits form to plan those righteous habits.
1. Color the planner in the seven young women values. Colors: Faith (white), Divine Nature (blue), Individual Worth (red), Knowledge (green) Choice and Accountability (orange), Good Works (yellow), Integrity (purple), and Virtue (gold).
2. Tell the youth that they can color their world with beautiful thoughts, words, and deeds, painting righteous habits daily.
3. Have youth write in squares next to value how they will use that value to live, e.g. “Live the law of chastity.”

TO MAKE Print activity in color or black and white.
THOUGHT TREAT: Painting Palate Cookie. Make and cut out large 7″ x 6″ sugar cookies in a painting palate shape (shown on the activity planner). Place cookie 2-inches apart onto an oiled or parchment paper-lined cookie sheet. Before baking do option #1 or 2.
Option #1: Before baking paint cookie palate with the cookie paints* seven value colors: Faith-white, Divine Nature-blue, Knowledge-green, Good Works-yellow, Integrity-purple, Individual Worth-red, Choice and Accountability-orange. *To make cookie paints: mix 1 tablespoon canned milk with a few drops of food coloring for each color.
Option #2: After baking frost cookie palate with colored frosting for each value color (shown).
CHOICE OF OREO COOKIES OR A BANQUET: Prepare ahead of time a banquet of delightful food, e.g., pizza, salad, apple pie, and place under a tablecloth. Place a plate of Oreo cookies on top of the tablecloth. Tell youth that they can have an Oreo cookie now or wait for the treat that is under the tablecloth. Hint that what is under the tablecloth is much better than an Oreo, but they have to trust you. We have to trust our leaders, parents, etc., that saving intimacy until after marriage is a treat worth waiting for. After awhile uncover the tablecloth to serve youth the banquet (but not the Oreos). Then after they eat, take the Oreo cookies and crush them in front of them telling them that Satan wants you to be satisfied with immediate pleasure, e.g., the Oreo cookies, but it doesn’t last. Heavenly Father wants us to wait for the banquet (having a sacred and eternal love), the relationship that is worth waiting for. Talk about Satan’s temptations.
OBSERVING THE PACKAGE ONLY CAN BE DECEIVING: Have youth leaders select a panel of guys and a panel of girls for a joint activity. Talk about meeting a potential date with a testimony and one who is just good-looking but doesn’t have a testimony. Direct questions to the panel to answer: How you can know if someone has a testimony? How can one know if they will treat you with respect? How can one know if they are looking for good qualities and testimony? How can you say “no” to advances that go against Church standards? What are the qualities that one should look for that are deeper than the outward appearance? How can one bring out the best in another? What qualities should one look for in a future mate (looking beyond the appearance) and if they are preparing to enter the temple? Have both panels answer these and other questions.
Additional “Observing the Package” Activity (object lesson): Have youth unwrap some gifts. Wrap the fancy gifts in plain paper and the plain gifts in fancy paper, e.g., an old shoe in a fancy package, and a temple recommend in the plain package, a TV Guide in a fancy package and a New Era magazine in the plain. Compare these with a guy who is not particularly handsome to them but could have great qualities they want eternally.
Source YW 2.37
• AUGUST Lesson 3 “Why is chastity important?”
• SEPTEMBER Lesson 2 “How do I guard my virtue?”
• DECEMBER Lesson 2 “How does Heavenly Father want me to use my spiritual gifts?”
VIDEO: Stand Tall – A tall young woman named Brooke tells how it feels to be an unusual height. (4:07) CLICK HERE TO VIEW ON YOUR I-PHONE.