YOUTH ACTIVITY. MY FITNESS PLAN OF HEALTHY HABITS tent-card planner. Youth can memorize 1 Corinthians 3:16 and plan how they can treat their body like a temple. In the Morning, Noon, and Night they can enter their routine and above their fitness plan.

LESSON LIFESAVERS Activity My Body is a Temple – Fitness Plan tent-card

Use for COME FOLLOW ME Young Women, Young Men, or Youth, Family Home Evening, Sunday School, Seminary

My Body is a Temple – Fitness Plan tent-card

Read 1 Corinthians 3:16 on the tent-card and talk about the meaning, how our body is a temple, sacred, and needs special care. On the back-side of the tent card – below “My Fitness Fun Plan of Healthy Habits,” write habits you select that you want to improve. Write when you will do them, in the “Morning, Noon,” or “Night” blocks.

$1.75 LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Come Follow Me – Young Women or Teens, family home evening, Sunday School, Seminary, LDS printables to downloadTO MAKE print activity in color or black and white. Fold tent-card as shown.

If giving this activity to young men, contact us to customize the card for men. CONTACT US HERE.

Mutual Night Activities - Come Follow Me, Young Women, Lesson Activities, Young Adult Activities, GospelGrabBag.comMUTUAL NIGHT, SUNDAY SCHOOL, SEMINARY, FAMILY HOME EVENING ACTIVITIES:

THOUGHT TREAT: Apple a Day. Give each youth a small crisp apple to munch on as you talk about the reason they say, “Eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away.” Here’s why:
1. Apples satisfy your hunger in between meals.
2. Apples are full of vitamins and minerals. 
3. Apples stabilize the blood sugar so you don’t crave sweets.
4. Apples are known as “nature’s toothbrush,” cleaning your teeth as you chew.
5. Apples help prevent gum disease as they massage the gums while you chew.
6. Apples are 80% water and high in fiber, helping cleanse the body of toxins. So, if you can, eat two a day.

COUCH-POTATO MOTIVATORS: As you write on the blackboard, ask youth to help you list “couch potato” activities that are unhealthy and “perky potato” activities that are healthy.
Couch Potato Ideas: Watching television for hours at a time, overeating while watching television, eating junk food, not drinking enough water, not exercising.
Perky Potato Ideas: Exercising, cleaning house vigorously, not watching TV when you eat—so you can think about and enjoy every bite.  Snack on fruit and vegetables (preparing them ahead of time to take with you when you are away from home).

Outer Beauty: Share ideas on grooming (e.g., skin and hair care, hair styling, nails, modest clothing styles and care, simple natural-looking makeup ideas) and remind youth that appearance is seen first, but it will not be the most important impression they leave.

Inner Beauty: The beauty that is found within that radiates through their countenance is the beauty that endures. If you spend as much time with the spiritual side as you do your appearance, you will radiate this inner beauty outwardly. To develop this inner beauty, read the scriptures and Church books and magazines, develop your talents, brighten someone’s day, smile, and serve others. J.M. Barrie, author of Peter Pan, said, “Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.”


BODY IS A TEMPLE: Lesson Activity – My Body is a Temple fitness plan tent card, the Lord wants me to be healthy

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