YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. SOMETHING TO SACRIFICE goal planner. Youth who sacrifice their time, talents, and means to build up the kingdom of God upon the earth will find great blessings. See D&C 97:21 (rejoice while the wicked mourn); Verse 28: “I will bless her with blessings, and multiply a multiplicity of blessings upon her, and upon her generations forever and ever, saith the Lord your God.” The quote on the planner explains the sacrifices to make to earn these blessings.
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home lessons, Family Home Evening, Young Women, Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
Something to Sacrifice goal planner
OBJECTIVE: Help youth understand the importance of sacrifice in their lives using this Goal Planner. Here they can write goals and sacrifices necessary to succeed.
1. Read Loren C. Dunn’s quote found on the planner: “What we must be willing to do is to sacrifice whatever is required of us, whether time or talent, or riches, or the praise of men, or whatever it may be, to the extent the Lord may require it.”

2. Talk about what you might be willing to sacrifice to achieve goals.
3. Have the youth use the Something to Sacrifice goal planner to write three goals they hope to achieve and list one or more sacrifices they will need to make to succeed.
4. Read D&C 42:42 and talk about rewards for sacrifice.
5. Ask the youth to share at least one way they can share their time, talents, and means to build up the kingdom of God.
TO MAKE print activity in color or black and white.
“Each of Us Can Help Build the Kingdom of God On Earth” READ MORE
“Establishing the kingdom of God on earth has been the purpose of every gospel dispensation. The kingdom of God on earth is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The kingdom exists wherever there are members of the Church. We help establish the kingdom as we seek to become pure in heart (see D&C 97:21), obey God’s commandments, and serve with dedication. The Lord counseled: “Seek not the things of this world but seek ye first to build up the kingdom of God, and to establish his righteousness” (JST, Matthew 6:38).”
Principles to Understand
We help build the kingdom of God by living righteously.
Individuals and families are strengthened by activity in the Church.
We should willingly serve wherever we are.
Blessings come as we serve in the kingdom of God.
The activities below represent the sharing of time, talents and means to build up the kingdom of God (D&C 60:13). Brigham Young said, “If you give anything for the building up of the Kingdom of God, give the best you have.” (Discourses of Brigham Young, 445)
SHARING OF TIME: Time is precious and when we sacrifice bits of it to serve others, we are blessed. Have young women share ways they have sacrificed their time and the blessings that come from each. You may mention some Personal Progress goals achieved and the result.
SHARING TALENT: Talents are God-given, yes, but they are lost if we don’t pursue them and work to achieve them. Display and spotlight talents of young women: Crafts, painting, music or song composed or performed, story or poem that was written, a dramatic reading. Carol B. Thomas, First Counselor in the Young Women General Presidency, said, “Spirituality is learning how to listen to the Spirit and then letting it govern our lives.” Talk about her talk: “Developing Our Talent for Spirituality,” April 2001, General Conference.
SHARING MEANS: Help young women look around to find opportunities to give up some of their possessions to help and serve others; it is a sacrifice. Discuss ways we might do this. The following activity will help young women realize the happiness they can bring others by sharing their possessions.
HAVE A WHITE ELEPHANT GIFT EXCHANGE: Have young women bring used or new items from home like shoes, clothing, accessories, cosmetics, books, games, and other possessions. Give them a chance to look over the gifts, then sit in a circle and take turns choosing items they want. The rule of this game is the items can be stolen three times before the owner gets to keep it. The person who loses their item chooses another or steals one if it is available. Keep choosing until all items are taken. The dictionary says that “The goal of a white elephant party is usually to entertain rather than to gain. ‘White Elephant’ is referred to as a less than serious gift”, but any gift will do. Players are trying to get sought after gifts.
• JULY Lesson 6 “What does it mean to take upon myself the name of Jesus Christ?”
• OCTOBER Lesson 5 “How can I learn to be more patient?”
December Lesson 6 What is Zion?