For children and youth, Come Follow Me lessons for Primary and home (family home evening)
“Hop on Over For Family Fun!”
OBJECTIVE: Create a chart to help your family remember to do COME FOLLOW ME or family home evening, and to assign responsibilities to family members. A great time to have family home evening is Sunday or Monday night. Having family home evening is a great way to keep the Sabbath day holy.
You will find over 250 Post-and-Present and hundreds of age-related Lesson Lifesaver activities. Go to the COME FOLLOW ME section to find weekly lessons to match the current curriculum. Or, visit the A-Z Index to find activity ideas for the lesson subject.

Assign Family Home Evening Responsibilities: Your family will hop on over to a fun family home evening as you use this frog family chart to assign responsibilities.
To Make Chart: Color and cut out images. Write the name of a family member on each frog, writing the father’s name on the large frog and the mother’s name of the frog with the ribbon. Laminate chart and frogs for durability. Mount the family home evening chart on a poster paper (unless you are planning to decoupage images onto wood). Attach frogs onto lily pads with sticky-back velcro or tape.
To Display Chart: Post on a refrigerator by adding sticky-back magnets to the back, or post on a bulletin board using tacks or T-pins.
To Use Chart: At the end of family home evening, make your assignments for the next week by moving the frogs to the responsibility on the chart, e.g., lesson, activity, scripture, or music.
HOP-TO-IT. Talk about how important it is that each family member do the “hop,” not just talk the talk (saying they will do assignments and not follow through).
Say, “We can all help by doing our assignments for family home evening. Without someone to conduct, say a prayer, read a scripture, lead the music, give a lesson or lead an activity, and do a treat, there will be something missing.”
MISSING FROG. If someone is not there for family home evening, the family member will be missed. If they can’t make it for some reason, they can ask another family member to take over their responsibility.
See SINGING FUN on the menu to find over 90 song visuals, and SINGING ACTIVITIES on the menu to find over 50 singing fun activities.