POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. MY FAMILY WILL RISE UP flex scripture muscles – balloon puzzle. Youth can learn how their testimony grows strong by reading the scriptures; they also help them resist temptation as Jesus did. They draw a numbered word strip from a balloon or a container and match it with the number on the back of a puzzle piece. Then, read the scripture to learn how to GET STRONG. Like the Prophet Nephi who wrote (2 Nephi 4:15) “my soul delighteth in the scriptures and my heart pondereth them.”
Great for COME, FOLLOW ME Lessons: Use in Primary classes, at home for Family Home Evening, or Activity Days.
My Family and I Will Rise Up! (Scripture Muscles Balloon Puzzle)
OBJECTIVE: Help children realize the strength they can find from reading the scriptures.
Help children/youth know that through reading the scriptures they can rise up or strengthen their spirits, become stronger, and resist temptation, like Jesus Christ.

- Ahead of time, place puzzle pieces facedown around the room. Read puzzle: “My family will rise up as we flex our scripture muscles.”
- Have youth flex their arm muscles, showing strength. Then say, “There are other muscles that show strength if we work hard; they are our spiritual muscles. What is one way you and your family can strengthen your spiritual muscles?” Some call this testimony, spiritual strength, or strong character. Tell youth about the Prophet Nephi’s testimony of the scriptures. Read 2 Nephi 4:15: “And upon these I write the things of my soul, and many of the scriptures which are engraven upon the plates of brass. For my soul delighteth in the scriptures, and my heart pondereth them, and writeth them for the learning and the profit of my children.”
- Tell children/youth, “By reading the scriptures, we can learn ways to be strong and learn how to resist temptation. Jesus read the scriptures often, and just before beginning His ministry, He was tempted by Satan to do many things. In response to Satan’s temptations, Jesus said the following to show His strength: (1) When tempted to eat (see Matthew 4:4); (2) When tempted to cast himself down off the building (see Matthew 4:7); (3) When Satan said Jesus could have the kingdoms of the world if He would worship Satan (see Matthew 4:10).”
- BALLOON POPPING: Have children take turns popping a balloon and finding the number inside to match the corresponding number on the puzzle piece. That child can read the scripture on the back and tell one way the scriptures can give their family strength to help resist temptation.
TO MAKE: Print activity in color or black and white (8 balloon puzzle pieces, #1-8 scriptures, and #1-8 wordstrips). Glue scriptures on the backs of puzzle pieces and laminate. Roll up numbers and place them inside the balloons before blowing up the balloons and tying them. Use magnets or tape to mount the puzzle on the board.
TESTIMONY SHARING: Ask children/youth to share their testimony on the following. Ideas: Why is it important to study the scriptures? The scriptures contain the word of God. Latter-day prophets counsel us to study the scriptures every day, both individually and with our families. Studying the scriptures can help us know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, give us power to resist temptation, and strengthen us in our challenges.
THOUGHT TREAT: Candy & Scripture Inside Balloons. Blow up a balloon for each child/youth and before blowing up, add a small piece of gum, Tootsie Roll or Smarties candy (thin enough to fit inside balloon opening). As child/youth pops their balloon and enjoys the treat they can tell about one of their favorite scriptures or you can have some scripture wordstrips placed inside balloon or taped on the outside for them to read to the others.
More Learning Activities:
• Feast upon the Scriptures – 2 Nephi 32:3
• The Holy Ghost Testifies of Truth – Moroni 10:5 (Book of Mormon Promise)
• Scripture Power (Friend, Oct. 1987)
• Tell Me the Stories of Jesus (CS, 57)
• Search, Ponder and Pray (CS, 109)
• An Angel Came to Joseph Smith (CS, 86)
Source ST.2014.Aug.3
• MAY Lesson 4 “Why is it important to study the scriptures?” ⇒