POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. I WILL FOLLOW JESUS Service Road Game. Youth can learn to love others. Tell them, “If we have a life of service, we can become like Jesus. Then we—like Jesus—can have eternal life and live with Heavenly Father again someday.” Follow Jesus on His service road and be the first to get to Eternal Life.

Great for COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Family Home Evening, Sunday School, Bible Study, and Daily Scripture Devotionals
I Will Follow Jesus – Service Road Game
YOUTH can teach this lesson to children.
OBJECTIVE: Follow this service road game to learn how we can serve others as Jesus did. Move around the board to find stories of Jesus that different classes can read the story. Talk about the various parts of the board and the journey we all must take to learn service and learn to be like Jesus.
TO MAKE VISUALS: Print, color (or print in color), and cut out the images and stories that follow. Use tape or magnets to mount visuals. Glue service road parts together. To create the block, fold die and tabs, and glue where indicated. When coloring feet markers, color sandals different colors (to specify teams).
1. Ahead of time, assign different Jesus Service Stories 1-7 to classes to read aloud when their number is called.
2. Post the service road and tell children/youth, “Our faith in Jesus Christ grows as we learn how He served others and as we look for ways we can serve. When we serve others, we are serving Jesus (review Mosiah 2:17). DOWNLOAD below.
Tell youth: “If we have a life of service, we can become like Jesus. Then we—like Jesus—can have eternal life and live with Heavenly Father again someday.”

1. Divide children/youth into two teams and have them take turns rolling the die block and moving the team’s feet marker forward from the START position, according to the number on the die.
2. If a player moves to the “Jesus Story” position on the board, read the number aloud. Have the one who has that story number present the story and tell how we can serve like Jesus. Note: If the second team that follows lands on the same story, have them paraphrase the story that was told or have the class read the story again. If they can tell the story because they listened well, give them a chance to play again.
3. If a player moves to a situation position on the board, have them read the situation and tell how they can serve.
4. Move to ETERNAL LIFE, and repeat the game until time is up. If a team lands on a “Jesus Story” or situation they have landed on before, have them move to the next one.
5. The first team to get to ETERNAL LIFE wins.
THOUGHT TREAT: Treats for Service Brainstorm. Have a sack full of items one might use to serve others, e.g.: a hammer and a nail, paperclip, cooking pan, recipe, pen, and stationery, thank you card, bandage, nail polish, scriptures, children’s book, window cleaner and paper towel, pillowcase, dishrag or dishtowel. Then have treats in a bag. Have children/youth take turns pulling an item from the bag and telling how they can use it to serve others. Then enjoy a treat.
Source ST.2013.9