POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. I “BEE”-LIEVE SWEET TESTIMONY SHARING. Share with youth that they can gain A testimony through the Holy Ghost as they study and pray. Then, BEAR THEIR TESTIMONY spontaneously about the gospel: Jesus Christ, the Book of Mormon, Temples (forever families), Joseph Smith, the True Church, the Living Prophet, and the Priesthood.
Great for COME, FOLLOW ME Lessons: Use in Primary classes, at home for Family Home Evening, or Activity Days.
ACTIVITY: I “Bee”lieve – Sweet Testimony Sharing
YOUTH can teach this lesson to children.
Objective: Encourage children/youth to spontaneously bear their testimony about Jesus Christ, the Book of Mormon, Temples (and forever families), Joseph Smith, the True Church, Living Prophet, and the Priesthood.

TO MAKE VISUALS: Print, color (or print in color) and cut out the images that follow. Laminate images. Have double-stick tape or magnets ready to post images on a poster or the board.
Tell children/youth, “Heavenly Father sent us to this earth with a testimony of His plan and of the gospel of Jesus Christ, but when we came, a veil was placed over our minds so we could not remember our life with them. This way we would have to learn to live by faith. When we hear the truth, the Holy Ghost will let us know. We will feel a warm feeling in our heart, and our mind will know that they are true. When we read the scriptures or hear others bear their testimony, we can know that what they say is true, especially if we pray for the Spirit to be with us.”
Ask children/youth, “Have any of your friends asked you about your church, about what you believe in?” Point to the sign and say, “Let’s have I ‘Bee’-lieve Sweet Testimony Sharing time. Come up and grab a bee and place it on the picture for which you wish to bear your testimony. Then buzz your sweet testimony so we can hear. This will help you practice for when you bear, or buzz, your testimony to your family and friends or in testimony meeting.
THOUGHT TREAT: “Bee”-lieve Taffy. Make Honey Taffy by boiling 1 pint of honey 5 – 8 minutes (checking soft-ball stage by placing water in a cup and dropping some boiling honey into the cup – to see if it forms a soft – firm ball). Pour onto a buttered cookie sheet and stir with a spatula, adding 1/4 – 1/2 cup butter (a must) so taffy doesn’t get hard. Then when cool enough to pick up form into long strips onto waxed paper and cool 5 minutes then cut into pieces.
THOUGHT: Tell children/youth that bees work very hard to make honey. We too much work hard to build a “Bee”-lieving testimony. We can do this by buzzing over to reading the scriptures and living the gospel and praying about what we have learned in Primary/Youth activities, and in a family home evening. With a testimony, we can spread the sweetness of the gospel to others by bearing our testimony, serving a mission, and teaching our family and friends the gospel. We must learn to have faith in Jesus Christ and His gospel and share it with others.
Source ST.2013.10
SEE QUIZ-BEE (click on images to order from Share these TESTIMONY BUILDERS with children/youth (created by Mary H. Ross, and Jennette Guymon-King).
December: “Building the Kingdom of God in the Latter Days”
“May the kingdom of God go forth, that the kingdom of heaven may come” (D&C 65:6).
“Come Follow Me” Lesson 7: How can I participate in the hastening of the Lord’s work?
May: “Prophets and Revelation”
“We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God” (Articles of Faith 1:9).
“Come Follow Me” Lesson 5: How can I strengthen my testimony?