POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. SCOOP-UP FAMILY SUCCESS: Service Toppers. Youth can really get the “scoop” on service when they serve their family. This will help them learn to serve others outside their family. Everyone likes ice cream, and youth will like listening to situations of family needs telling how to serve. They can top off each cone with IDEAS FOR SERVICE.
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
Scoop up Family Success
(Service Toppers)
YOUTH can teach this lesson to children.
Objective: GET THE “SCOOP” ON FAMILY SUCCESS – Help think of different ways children/youth can create family success by, first, listening to situations of family needs and, second, telling how they might work together to (“scoop” up) fill those needs.
TO MAKE VISUALS: Print, color, and cut out two pages of ice cream cones and three pages of ice cream scoops, and word-strips. Glue word-strips on the backs of the ice cream scoops (not the cones). Laminate images. Laminate an entire poster to mount cones and ice cream scoops. Use double-stick tape to mount images on the poster.

- Tell the story of how Noah built an ark and gathered animals to prepare for the flood (Genesis 6-7; Moses 8). Tell how their family worked together to gather wood for the ark, building the ark and herding the animals. Noah’s family was successful as they worked together. They saved their family from the flood, which was forty days and nights of rain.
- Talk about our families today and how they work together to help each other be successful. Then have a brainstorm to top off these ice cream cones to build a successful family unit. Have children/youth take turns finding a scoop of ice cream and reading the family need on the back. Then have them tell how they would work to help their family Scoop up Family Success. Top off one of the family ice cream cones with their scoop of service.
- To compete in teams, award one point per scoop, but if the team can come up with more answers within one minute, they receive a point for each additional idea given. Keep score.
THOUGHT TREAT: Here’s the Scoop Ice Cream Cones. Talk about the saying, “Here’s the Scoop” (or the plan) and ask them to discuss with their family what their plans are for serving each other in various situations. Have a brainstorm of needs and talk about how to fill them. Of course talk about these things with a double scoop of ice cream on a cone. You can even bake cupcakes in an ice cream cone and top it with one or more scoops of ice cream. See Internet sources for recipes (click HERE).
More Learning Activities:
• Happiness at Home – “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” 7 scripture poster” “Happiness in family life is mostly likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.” TO DOWNLOAD HERE
•A Happy Family (CS, 198) DOWNLOAD HERE
• Love Is Spoken Here (CS, 190) DOWNLOAD HERE
• Love One Another (CS, 136) DOWNLOAD HERE
• Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth (Hymnal, 298) DOWNLOAD HERE
USE IN Young Women COME FOLLOW ME Lessons
August: “Marriage and Family”
“Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and … the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children” (“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2010, 129).
*QUESTION “Come Follow Me” Lesson: How can I strengthen my family?
October: “Becoming More Christlike”
“Be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect” (3 Nephi 12:48).
*QUESTION “Come Follow Me” Lesson: How can I be more Christlike in my service to others?
“Does the time you spend using various technologies and media enlarge or restrict your capacity to live, to love, and to serve?” —Elder David A. Bednar
“You must look outward and care about others. … You can be friendly; you can share; you can help others in a hundred small ways.” —Elder D. Todd Christofferson
Source ST.2014.10b