LESSON ACTIVITY. JESUS WANTS US TO LOVE EVERYONE paper chain medallion. Children will love writing the names of their loved ones (friends and family) on these links to make neck-ware or a headband to advertise those they love and want to serve. 

$1.50 Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Come Follow Me - Primary and Home (family home evening)

USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study


Love Everyone names medallion

 The lesson helps children understand that they can show love by helping others understand their eternal worth to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

ACTIVITY: Have-a-heart Medallion or Necklace
Create a paper-chain necklace with a heart medallion attached to remind children that it is important to help others and that every child is of eternal worth to Heavenly Father and Jesus.

Jesus wants us to love everyone - add names to ring on heart medallion
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)

TO MAKE: Print or copy, color, and cut out the activity on cardstock paper. Have children write names of people they love, e.g., their family, friends, and those in their Primary class. Cut a slit in each side of the heart at the top and thread chains through heart slit where indicated, looping and folding chains inside each other and taping or staple closed.


To make a Necklace: Chain will be too short to place around a child’s neck unless you do one of the following: Option #1: Tie a string to extend chain (you will need to remove one link to make it even). Place around the child’s neck. Option #2: There are nine links so you can use one link to connect the four on each side with a long strip (keeping the last #9 link open. See samples shown right.

THOUGHT TREAT: Cereal or Candy Friendship Necklace.

LOVE OTHERS Activity “Jesus wants us to love everyone.” Have-a-heart Medallion – Come Follow Me – Primary and Home lessons, family home evening

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